Chapter 1

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I was at school with my friend Emma. We we're friends for 6 years already. And what I liked about her was that she was a really good friend. Caring, funny and sometimes she was a little bit crazy. And she always get only A's for her exams. But there was me that gets B and C's all the time.

We were sitting on a table at lunch and I asked Emma something:

"Hey Emma, where do you wanna go this weekend??"

"I don't know Emily. Where do you wanna go??"

Last weekend I already chose somewhere to go. This time was her time to choose but she never knows where to go because she wasn't the type of friend that really liked so much parties. She was the quiet one.

"Emma, I already chose last weekend. It's your turn."

There was this guy sitting at our table. He was in our class too. His name was V'iann. He was a really sweet guy and the thing that wasn't good of him was that he always liked to bother me and my friend Emma. I don't know why he does that always. But anyway. He was hearing the chat between me and Emma.

"Pretty girls here sitting, discussing where to go this weekend. Well, if you want somewhere to go. I can help you find one. What do you say?"

"V'iann, can you please let us alone?!" I told him.

He said: "My love, let me help you find somewhere to go. Please, just for this time."

I looked at Emma. And we have this telepathy that we know what each others are thinking and we said in the same order: "Alright V'iann. But just for this time."

"I knew that you was not going to reject this. Okay, but I have a better idea. How about going with me too. It's going to be so fun. You know me right?"

There was one language that me and Emma talked when we needed to discuss something in front of people or when we were mad or something. The language was Papiamento from our 'dushi' - best - island named Curaçao. We were born there but we came here to England.

" 'Kiko bo ta pensa Emma??' " - (What do you think Emma?) I said to Emma in Papiamento.

Emma said: " ' Laga nos dun'é un chèns numa, pa e bia aki. ' " - (Let's give him one more chance, for this time)

"Alright, V'iann. What's your plan??" Emma said to him.

"I knew you weren't going to reject the most wonderful and beautiful guy on this planet. Anyway. My plan was just a tour in the town. What do you think about it."

"Alright. You have a deal, V'iann."

"Yeah... I knew that you're gonna like it."

Triiinnggg... the bell rang. Time for class. I said V'iann and Emma goodbye and I headed to my English class with Mister Clarson. The most boring teacher in the whole world. I hated when I had his lesson.

When I was walking to the English class, I remembered my friend Stacy. I knew her already one year. And today was our 1 year friendship. And we needed to celebrate. But the problem was that she never texted me. I was always the one who started to conversation between me and her. But she did some things that putted me think that she was my best friend. But sometimes I didn't knew what to think about our friendship. But I don't want to end our friendship. That's going to be so painful for me. That's why I didn't do it anyway.

I entered the English class. I was the first one to arrive and Mister Clarson said: "Miss Frankford, come over here. I need to talk to you for a second."

I went to his table. "Good morning, Mister Clarson."

"Good morning. I wanted to ask you what happened to you that last exam. You scored an F. Did you learnt or something?? I was really shocked when I saw that it was your score. What are you going to do about it now."

I was shocked too because I didn't expect to get an F for that exam. I really studied for it.

"Ow, I don't know. I thought that I'm gonna get an A or something. I really did studied for it. And I don't know why I have an F."

"Alright, you can take a seat anyway. Because I don't know either what to do about it."

I headed to my seat. 90 minutes past so fast and I headed to my house.

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