Chapter 1:My life story

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Hi My name is Luna and I'm 12 years old. I was abandoned at the age of 3 months by my mother because I was a shadow child in my region. A shadow child is a 3rd child. I have 2 brothers before me who are the first and second and I am the third. Since I'm the 3rd I'm illegal. I'm a broken rule. I'm a mistake. The law is you can't have more than 3 children due to population overloads and food shortages. My mother couldn't escape this region and set me free. Plus if she did I would've gone alone anyway since the city would be suspicious why we left so suddenly. My father was wealthy and worked for the population police (among the hidden reference,READ IT) and ever since the population law was enforced. My dad saw me as a mistake and not his only daughter. He told my mother she had to put me up for adoption in the neighboring state Utah or my father would give me up to the government themselves for Slavery or Execution. My mother cried and cried  and divorced him
And took my brothers with her so they didn't get corrupted souls from there father. My father got in contact with us again and the population police found out. Not about me but my mother. She got put in debt prison but got bailed out days later by her mother who had a lot of money but not as much
as Dad. So then my mom decided to put me up for adoption since my family has already been through so much she wanted me safe. She put me up for adoption in Utah and moved up to Maine with my grandma and my brothers where my father would never find them. Now I'm at Aloe Valley Orphanage in Utah. I'm in room 13,  hall B. I love life in the orphanage though. When some people hear the word orphanage they think it's child prison but it's not, that is depending where you are and how nice the nuns are. My favorite nun is Sister Hazel. She was a HUGE mother figure in my life. The good thing is I have a roommate and that roommate is my best friend  Claire. We have a bigger room than the other kids since we were both the oldest in the orphanage besides Petra. We don't mention it to the other kids so they don't complain. Anyway our room has Two single beds. Mine is blue   With a moon on it and Claire's is pink with a pancake on it. I have my own desk with my own HP laptop that Sister Hazel got me for my 9th birthday. I also have a Small Pop figurine collection. I have a bookshelf next to my bed that held my manga and CDs. Claire got a laptop too. In fact, Sister Hazel give it to her just like she gave one to me. Claire also has a desk with art supplies for drawing. Life was good in the orphanage now. I would watch one of my favorite youtubers of all time
Stacyplays! I watch Dogcraft in the morning and Mineclash at night. Claire watched Markiplier and has a poster of him on the wall next to her bed. I have a Stacyplays poster with characters from all of her series. I also have Page and Molly plushies which I bought with the allowance Mother Superior has given us. I watched Stacy every day and never missed an episode. She makes me smile when I'm down. I got a silver lockett  from my mom that's shaped like a crescent moon. It had a note inside,
Dear Luna,
By the time you find this you should be able to read. I love you very much and I'm sorry for leaving you. Your father was a horrid monster and he forced me to put you up for adoption. It was for your safety. If you are angry at me for taking you to the orphanage than let me tell you this. If I didn't come to the orphanage you would probably be dead or made a slave by now.
I love you very much and I promise you we will be reunited some day. Don't forget,
"MEMORIES are the stars that brighten our dreams". I love you forever from earth to the moon.
I read that note every night in bed and dreamed of mom. I also had the weirdest idea. What if Stacyplays was my mom?!? Lol that would be cool. If that ever happens (1% chance out of 1009%)
I would be like "What the Ramen is happening?!?!". I laughed at that. I'm sure Mom would too.😞

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