Chapter 2: Petra the "Vulture"

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I could hear Sister Hazel and Mother Superior yelling for us too wake up.
"Luna! Claire! Time to get ready breakfast is soon!"
"Ok we're going to get dressed!" Me and Claire yelled down the hall.
I pulled out a pair of denim shorts and a Blue crop top with a white tank underneath and a pair of white toms. Claire put on her Steven universe shirt and a pair of leggings.
"OMG Adoption day is tomorrow Luna are you excited?!!" Claire asked with Joy.
"Of course! Let's hope we either get adopted by the same person or at least live near each other." I replied.
"Yeah I hope so." Claire told me.
"I'm going to watch Stacy until it's time for breakfast. Wanna watch with me?" I asked hopefully.
"Sure! Why not?" She responded cheerfully.
We watched an episode of Dogcraft
and Candy Isle. Then Mother Superior yelled, "Children time for breakfast come down to eat!"
I closed my laptop and put it in my desk drawer then Claire and I walked downstairs.
We walked into the cafeteria and smelled the delicious scent of breakfast. We got in line and picked up our trays. I got a biscuit with eggs and bacon and don't forget Milk! Claire got a stack of pancakes eggs and toast with hash browns.
"Mmmmm" we both said in Unison. Then we smelled something foul. Something evil. Something that gave off such bad vibes I grimaced and so did Claire.
Petra. We thought. We turned around and saw Petra looming over us.
"Good morning Losers!" Petra said maniacally.
"Good Morning Petra! Here to be a vulture and scavenge for power I see." I shot back at her
"Yeah Hater Back Off! And in my book you are the LEADER of the Haters so I suggest you move away from this table if you know what's good for you!" Claire added defensively.
"Oh I see my prey have become my rivals! That can't happen im sure of it."
She said challenging us.
"You little--" I interrupted Claire.
"Claire don't stoop to her level. Just ignore her and stay calm."
"IGNORE THIS!😡👊🏻" she yelled and threw a punch at me before it hit my face I did an outward block and stopped her leaving her hand in pain from the strength of my bone.
"Owwww! Why did you do that!?!" She asked with rage.
"I THINK YOU BROKE MY ARM!" She accused.
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU LIAR?! ALL I DID WAS BLOCK A PUNCH!!" I k in rage. It seemed as if Claire had enough because she got up from the from the table and took a bowl of oatmeal from the lunch line,walked back to Petra and dumped the oatmeal on her head!
"Ewww! She said in disgust.
She then took a bowl of cereal with milk and a bottle of maple syrup.
She dumped the cereal and milk down my shirt and the syrup all over Claire clothes.
Children started cheering
"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Petra took the first blow. She aimed for Claire. She hit Claire in the rib age and she fell to the ground and winced in pain.
"Owww!! I think I pulled a muscle!😫"
She then punched my face and gave me a bloody nose.
"Petra!! Stop it!" I yelled angrily. That's when I heard screaming from the upper balcony.
Suddenly my friends Levi and Eren aka Brooklyn and Genevieve jumped of the the balcony with there scout uniforms,katanas, and maneuver gear.
They sliced of the sleeves of Petra's shirt and cut off several inches of her hair.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME😖😭!!"She said crying.
"BEING HEROES!👍🏻😆" They both yelled in joy and triumph. Then they used there maneuver gear and flew out of the building.
That got the attention of the nuns even though they should've seen Petra's whole episode from the beginning.
Sister Hazel grabbed Claire and I and pulled us off to the side and Mother Superior grabbed Petra.
"What were you doing?!" Sister Hazel asked in anger and concern.
"We were eating breakfast and Petra came over and picked on us and we told her too go away and she tried to punch me!" I yelled in explanation.
"No she's lying it's not true!" Petra yelled defensively.
"Wait wait wait! All the children who saw Petra try to punch Luna,make fun of us,and dump food on our head raise their hands!" Claire yelled trying to prove me right fairly.
Apparently everyone in the room raised there hands. I didn't know these Kids were on My side!
"Ok Petra it seems that your outnumbered so you will have to be punished!" Mother Superior said sternly.
"What kind of punishment?🙁" Petra asked fearfully.
"... You are going to miss Adoption Day🙁" Mother Superior said grimly. Petra didn't say anything she just glared at Claire and I and started tearing up.
"Oh and one more thing. During Adoption Day you won't be grounded in your room. You will be washing the dishes in the kitchen and serving Food." Mother Superior added.
Petra started to tear up more and Mother Superior took her to her office. Claire and I grinned ignoring the fact that we were wet and sticky. Finally, Petra just had a taste of her own medicine!
"Now you too come to my office so you can finish eating and explain what happened." said Sister Hazel.
We nodded and went to get another breakfast and headed to Sister Hazel's Room.
Claire and I sat down and ate what we got the first time at a table in Sister Hazel's room.
"Now tell me exactly what happened from the start." Sister Hazel said sitting down.
"Well Claire and I were eating breakfast and then Petra came over and said
Well Good Morning Losers.
Then I said that she was a vulture scavenging for power." Then I let Claire take over and say what she said.
"Then I called her a hater and told her to back off if she knew what was good for her."
I continued on my part.
"Then I made Claire calm down and told her not to stoop to Petra's level and that she should ignore her. Then Petra yelled, IGNORE THIS and tried to punch me so I outward blocked and stop her and she winced in pain from the strength of my bone.
And she accused me of breaking her arm."
Claire continued.
"Then she punched me in the leg and gave Luna a bloody nose and started yelling at Luna and I had enough so I got up and dumped oatmeal on her head. Then she poured cereal and milk on Luna and Maple Syrup on me.
Then the kids cheered
And that's pretty much it."
"Well I'm proud that you didn't want to stoop to her level but that wasn't nice to dump oatmeal on her." Sister Hazel said.
Omg Claire just yelled at a nun😳
I saw Claire's face turn red with embarrassment.
"I-I so so s-sorry Sister Hazel" she said apologetically.
"It's ok Claire you were just trying to defend your friend." She said in understanding. She told us we could go to our rooms and hang out for the rest of the day. As we walked out we saw Petra with a hair net, a pen,and notepad.
She's probably getting ready to order for the kids who didn't wake up yet or got sick. As we walked upstairs she grabbed my arm and said " You are going to pay you little weasel!"
Sister Hazel walks in and sees Petra grab me.
"You just won't stop bullying will you Petra! You are going to have to wash all the nuns outfits later!" Sister Hazel said scolding her. She ran away in depression. We got to our room and took a nap. I wrote a Fanfiction on wattpad later that day about Stacy being my mom. Then I fell asleep watching an episode of MineClash.

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