Gravity's Fault

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It was passing of report cards and I didn't tell my mom anything.Then I was surprised and worried that my mom knew it was passing of report cards. And there the story begins...

Mom went to school to get the report card while I was trying to find a good hiding place. I kept looking and looking until I gave up, so I just plan an excuse instead.Then when I finally know what to say that was exactly when my mom was already home.

Mom: What happened to your grades?!?!? Look at your grade before and after what happened?!?!?

Me: Well it's not my fault *crumples up paper to ball. Here is a demonstration of my grades. The paper is my grades and see what happens when I toss it up. *tosses up the paper. What happened?

Mom: It went down. but you we're the one who threw it up, so who's fault is it then? 

Me: GRAVITY!!! dun dun dun...


It was summer and I was sweating my butt off even though I was doing nothing but watching and eating. Then I heard ice-cream!!. I ran as fast as I can well.. to find my wallet then I ran to the ice-cream truck. And there it was many flavors and cold air I ordered a monster size. and then:

ice-cream man: Here you go little lady.

Me: *takes ice-cream.

Then when I had my first lick... I MURDERED ICE-CREAM!!!!!!!!!. Then I went to ice-cream jail. The ice-cream cops say the word they always say "Tell it to the Judge"

Judge: You should be ashamed WHY WOULD YOU MURDER SUCH A THING?!?!?

Me: It wasn't me!!

Judge: Oh really? Then who did it then?



Me: GRAVITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Me: GRAVITYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

Gravity: Hey why are you blaming me on everything INCLUDING MYSELF LIKE WHAT THE H?!?!?!?!

Me: Umm... Ugh... Umm.... It was the Universe's Fault

Universe: HEY!!!

Me: UM................ BYEEEEEE

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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