Part I Chapter 3

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  The new house. Besides the fact that I hate moving, this house is a dream. 
  "We're here!" My mother flings open her door and jumps up and down.
  The driveway is a long, paved cement.  The front door, grand and surrounded by ample, white pillars. They make the old house look like a dump.
The door opens and I see the living room with beauteous, leather sectionals. The enormous TV looks down at me, scowling while I scowl back. I adjust my backpack and stroll up the marble, swirly steps. There's six rooms in the first hallway.
  "That one's yours," my mom snuck up on me.
  I put my hand on the door nob and turn it. Nothing happens.
  "Well looks like we'll be going back. I can't even open the door," I state.
  She opens the door, easily. The bed is a plum, ruffled material. The walls are cleanly, striped purple and black. My bathroom connects to my room. I've never felt this luxury.
  There's a door on the opposite side. I open it and I hear the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Two lawn chairs sit on the position to look of the balcony.
I walk back into "my" room. My phone and book and walk back out. Throw on some shades and my shorts.
  I could get used to this. 
  *Sitting around miserable all day won't make you any happier*
My book seems to not understand life right now.
  Dinner was at "The Penthouse". Mom says it's a celebration. I think it's a punishment. Even though it was delicious. I really love life here but I don't like I don't have friends. School starts in two weeks. I have two weeks to do whatever I want.
One week until school.
  "I'm going shopping down at the pier. I'm going to go to Pac Sun for sure," I shout.
  "Here. Go crazy," my dad hands me a credit card.
  I walk out the door and start prancing around the pier. The smell of salt water fills the air.
  I get to Pac Sun and I see the cutest outfits. I spent $130 just at Pac Sun! I walk out and I bump into another girl.
She's my height. Bleach blonde hair. Shorts...maybe a little too short. Crop top and messy bun. She's pretty basic to be honest.
  "I'm so sorry," I apologize.
  "You're fine. School shopping?" She looks at my bag, filled to the top.
  "Uh, yeah," I giggle.
  "What school? I start 7th grade in a week," she tells me.
"Um I will be going to Lincoln middle school," I tell her.
"Me too! How about me and you go to Starbucks today? Get to know each other."
  "Sure! Just let me call my mom."
"Wait what's your name?"
"Oh! I'm Ivy. What's yours?
"Chandler," I smile.
  "So wait, you're from Nebraska?" She laughs.
  "Yeah. California seems pretty awesome. I mean it's like always nice here!"
  She sips her latté.
  We talk for hours. She gives me her number and I think I've found myself a friend.
I go home after dark and model all my clothes for my parents. Even Blake got off her phone to watch me.
"You seem happy now. What happened today?" My mom asks me.
"I met Ivy. She goes to my school and we are now friends!"
"I'm glad honey," my dad smiles.
   My alarm screamed for me to get up. August 25. First day of the what I though would be the best year ever.
    I put on an adorable, dark pair of shorts and a lacy white top. Threw on some converse and my sunglasses and walked out the door.
   "Honey wait. I've got something for you," she paused and pulled out something out of a black and blue box,"here."
  It was journal. I stuffed it into my backpack and rushed out.
  I walked all the way down the pier...all the way. Getting to the bus stop, I saw two girls and a boy, in a little circle. Is this what Jaret and-wait what was her name. Hailey? Harper? No,no. Haven. I can't believe I forgot. I was forgetting my friends, slowly without me knowing.
   The bus pulled up, sluggishly.
  "I ain't never seen you around here before," the bus driver's improper grammar made me cringe.
  "Well I suppose you can sit seat um 14. Jakob Harrison. He's really cute," he winked.
  10,12,14. Jakob was already sitting in the seat.
  "Who are you?" His beautiful green eyes twinkled.
  "Chandler. I'm new. I'm assuming you're Jakob?" His tan face and naturally spiked up, brown hair.
  I slid into my seat. We talked about random things when we pulled up to the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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