chapter 4

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I had no breath. I couldn't breath. Knowing Andrew didn't love me back and he found a replacement killed me. Like someone put there hand threw my chest and slowly crunched my heart and ripped it out. I couldn't deal with myself. Knowing Im a mistake. Just other girl. I wish I could tell Andrew I was in love with him even tho I couldn't breath not telling him. I just dont know how he'd react. "Shes just a friend". Every time I here that it feels like Im being drowned in my own worste fears.
I'm sorry William I don't feel the same. Or maybe I'm blond to it, but ever since Ioved to the city my entire life got ditroyed. I've never felt like dying but right now it's like Im being crushed. Slowley having weird things happen like it feels like my heart literally broke. I couldn't describe in words the way my heart bend right before it was about to fall. No one made me feel like Andrew did. I couldn't believe the change that came between guys and girls was it the first year of high school? Or was it that they can't handel themselves? Could it have been I was just stupid?
So mamy thoughts running threw my head. So fast I couldn't understand them. My heart was racing. Everything looked like it was going ten times faster. I couldn't breath, and then it just stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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