Chapter I

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"You guys sure you don't wanna tag along?"

"Yeah, we're sure. You guys have your own fun tonight. We'll be alright here."

Freddie dimly heard the conversation between John and Roger from the other room as he walked over to the doorway of the kitchen and spotted the couple, fully dressed in nighttime attire, standing at the front door of their flat. John was laying on the couch, the TV playing a random sitcom in the background at a low volume, and an unopened bottle of brandy and new pack of cigarettes were sitting on the coffee table.

"Oh we'll be fine! You have your special night out, it's been so long since either of us have had some time alone since the tour finished last month. You don't need us tagging along. Go to that cinema, out for a treat, and maybe even just roam the streets together!" Freddie encouraged.

Freddie grinned once he saw both of their faces light up at the suggestion of being together without him or John to interfere. It'd been only two weeks since they'd finished their tour for News of the World and they were still recovering from it, none of them eager to rush into the next album. However, Freddie had seen a stack of papers on Roger's nightstand with what he presumed to be new lyrics for some songs, and from the looks he had gotten while writing one of them, he presumed it wouldn't be a kindly written song. He couldn't be excused either, since a few lyrics had been stuck in his head ever since their tour had ended, wanting to dedicate a song to their audience for their next tour.

"Come on Rog, stop talking about what we didn't do so we can actually do something now and see that film. We can stop by that pub you like right next to the theater after the film if you want." Brian said, tugging impatiently at Roger's coat and snapping him out of his useless jabbering about what they hadn't gotten to do while on tour.

"Damn, I forgot about the film! We'll see you two later then." Roger said, rushing down the hall.

Brian left with a small wave and a gentle closing of the door as Freddie looked over at John, who smiled warmly at him before sitting up to make room for him on the couch. He placed the plate he'd been holding back in the cabinet and threw the towel onto the counter beneath it.

"Come sit down babe, the rest can wait till tomorrow." John called out

He wandered over, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, earning a soft chuckle from John. "Not right now love. I'd like to get cleaned up first. Be nice and fruity for you." He whispered. He'd planned a nice and simple evening for them ever since Roger and Brian had mentioned they were going out tonight while they'd been out all day. That bottle of brandy that he'd gotten while on tour in America on the final leg of there tour was something he especially looked forward to, that and a nice movie together while the other two were out and about to do their own things. The box of cigarettes, on the other hand, he guessed John had taken the liberty of purchasing, for either himself or for anyone to take. And the last thing he wanted to do was interrupt their night and go clean up or not do it at all, which was just out of the question. John had done it, so it was only polite of him to be all clean for him as well.

"Right now?" He asked, placing his hand on his arm.

"Better now so that it's done with. Don't worry, I'll be as quick as I can. Indulge yourself in that brandy I bought earlier! I bought it for tonight anyway."

Freddie unhooked his arms from John's upper body and ran his hand along his shortened hair. "Might have gotten that cut a bit too short." He jeered

"It'll grow back in time, I was tired of the long look. We all were, 'cept Brian."

"Highly doubt he'd do anything to muck it up again. You weren't around when he straightened it. Still think he'd smash a guitar before doing that again."

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