Chapter 1

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Pascalle's pov

Victoria and I are running vampire speed through the woods. Yes, we're vampires. But don't worry, we don't feed on humans. We don't kill them either. Well, except when we can't do anything else, or when it's an accident, or when a human is a threat. But we normally feed on animals.

We're running because we figured that there are vampire hunters after us. Like, that's so not nice.. They wanna kill us.

So now we're running away from them.

Wait, let me tell you something about us.

My name is Pascalle, obviously. I'm sort of 19, but actually, I'm 268. I have long brown hair and green eyes. Victoria is the same age and stuff. She has black and violet hair and blue eyes.

I'm quit short, I'm 163 cm and Victoria 172. Yup, shorty here.
We can manipulate people really easily.

Anyway, back to the story.

We've been running for a while now. We stop and look around.
'I think we're far enough for now' I say. Victoria nods. I suddenly hear a noise. We both turn around. I see nothing.
'What was that ?' Victoria asks. I say nothing, just keep turning around. Suddenly, I hear it come really close. Without noticing it, I'm being pulled to the ground. I look up and see a boy, sitting on me, eyes red. Vampire. He tries to bite me but I push him off, hard. He flies through the air. I look at Victoria, she did the same.
'Wait, you're vampires?' one of the boys asks. I see another one walking from behind a tree.
'Yeah' I say, a bit mad.
'Did you killed them?' I hear a voice say from far. A guy with curly hair walks from behind a tree. His curls are everywhere, probably because of all the trees and stuff. When he sees Victoria and me, he looks terrified.
'Don't worry, we won't kill you' I tell him. His eyes are a bit wide, but then relax. Victoria is looking from boy to boy. And then, another one is there.
'Why haven't you killed them yet so we can move on?' he asks.
'They can't kill us' Victoria says with a smile. He looks confused.
'We're the same as your friends are' she continues.
'Oh cool, so I need to hide behind them?' he asks. We shake our heads.
'Oh, good, I'm Zayn' he says.
'I'm Harry' the other guy with curls says.
'Niall' a gorgeous blonde boy says. His eyes are a bit red, but not like they should be.
'Liam' the boy who attacked me says.
'and I'm Louis' the boy who attacked Victoria says.
'I'm Victoria'
'And I'm Pascalle'
'What are you doing in the woods?' Niall asks.
'Running away' I simple answer, sitting down.
'We're being hunted' Victoria finishes my start and also sits down. Harry and Zayn sit as far away as possible. We just smile to them.
The other three sit down in front of them.
'So you three are vampires, curly and quiff humans?' I ask. They all nod.
'How old are you ?'
'I'm 20' Quiff boy says.
'I'm 19' curly says after him.
'I'm 19, but actually 270' Liam says.
'Same' Niall says.
'and I'm 21, but actually 272' Louis says. 'You?' he asks.
'Both 19, but actually 268' Victoria answers.
'I'm thirsty' I say. I see Harry and zany's eyes widen.
'Relax, I just need to find some animal here and then I won't kill you' I say, standing up. Victoria does as well.
'We'll be right back' she says. We run away.
'Look, over there' Victoria whispers. I nod and we run after it, killing it easily. We both put our teeth in it and suck it's blood. When we're done, we stand up and run back to the boys. They're in the same position.
'That was fast' Harry says.
'Off course, we're pro's' I tell him. He chuckles a bit.
'So, did you guys actually want to kill us?' Victoria asks.
'Well, maybe'
'You feed on humans?' Victoria asks again. They shake their head.
'No, but sometimes we can't control ourselves' Louis answers.
'Nice rings' Niall says, sitting next to me and looking at my ring.
'We need them to not burn in the sunlight. It's weird I know, but we like the ring so whatever' I say. He nods, smiling to me. His eyes are back to normal, which means they're blue, really beautiful. Oh gosh. I really have a thing for eyes.
'So, how is it possible, that you three are vampires, but you two are not ?' Victoria asks.
'Well, we weren't  around when they got turned. We met them 3 years ago' Zayn says. I nod.
'Why did you guys not turn them?' I ask.
'Because we don't want them to have this life' Liam says.
'But that means that at one point, you can't be friends anymore' Victoria says. They nod, looking rather sad.
'What's your story?' Liam asks.
'Well, we were walking through the city, just a bit shopping, when it started raining. We ran into a alley to be faster at our car. But we got attacked. They just randomly turned us both when we were 19' I tell them. They nod slowly. I look down at my ring. Victoria has the same one. It's a gold one. It's actually really pretty, you know, when you think I already have it 249 years.
'Yeah it is' Niall says.
'What?' I raise my eyebrow.
'You said it out loud' he chuckles.
'Oh right, I sometimes think out loud' I say with a giggle. I see Victoria talking to Louis and Liam. Harry walks over to us and sits down next to Niall.
'You still don't trust me, do you?' I ask him. He blushes a bit.
'Well, I just got to know you, I'm sorry' he says.
'It's okay, but I seriously would never hurt you because I feel like it'
'And when will you feel like it?' he asks.
'When you try to kill me' I tell him. He nods. We just start talking.

After, I think,  a few hours, Zayn and Harry both are sleeping.
'We should get them back' Liam says, putting Zayn on his back. Louis walks over to Harry and does the same.
'Wait, can we stay with you ? I mean, we're on the run so we have no where to go' Victoria asks when I gave her a nod. We normally know when we look at each other where the other is thinking about. They look at each other but then nod. We smile and run with them.

After running for a few minutes, we're at a big apartment in the city. Liam and Louis bring the boys upstairs. We don't sleep so we just sit down on the couch. The news comes on, and I see Victoria and my face appear.

"I'm here with vampire hunter Ian. Hello Ian, you can tell everyone who you're looking for"

Ian is the vampire hunter who is after us, this is just great.

"I'm looking for those two girls. They ran away, they're vampire. They say they won't kill humans, but they did. They killed my wife, and now I'm gonna kill them. So if you see them, please call this number. They're dangerous"

I roll my eyes. We didn't kill his wife. Someone else did, we ran away. The boys turn to us.
'We didn't kill his wife' I say, defending us. They nod.
'Then it's time for a make over' Louis says with a smirk. Oh god.

Heyy :D I really hope you like this new story (: I hope my chapter wasn't shitty..




Vote ? :)

Love, Pascalle <3

PS : Picture of the rings, on the side ----->

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