Love you don't want but have

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Waste of space.

My name is Nichole. I'm a werewolf. i live in bluemoon pack territire even though i wish i didn't. I'm two days away from my sixteenth birthday, thats when all she wolves meet their mate. Most shewolves love to meet their mate but me i dont want to at all. I was seven when i first shifted. My wolf is a 5 foot all black wolf with no markings because in my pack no their pack you get your markings when you find your mate. The only reason i shifted so early is because my older brother Timothy was killed by rouges and my alpha. The alpha didnt like that we have alpha blood with in us so he killed his only threat. But the alpha made sure tat i would never become a strong wolf and take over the pack. He never lefts me shift and never lets me train. My parents were killed with i was three. They were killed because they gave birth to the two strongest children in the supernatrue world at the time. Thats what my brother would tell me when i would miss them. my dad was half angel half demon and my mother was half werewolf half vampire. The only thing me and my brother werent was fariy and witch. Before my parents died they told my brother to never left any one know about our powers and to always keep me safe. And he did but then they killed him and i've been hated here ever since they blame his death on me and i just sit there. they hit me i just sit there unless its a guy then i fight back cause I know I can take them but they usually gang up on me and since im not trained i cant fight that good. My wolf hasn't talked to me for a month after i told her i don't want my mate and that i was going to reject him.


'COMING" i get off my bed or matt whatever you want to call it and go to my little hole in the wal bathroom it has a small shower and a tiny sink and or course a toilet. There is one window and i usually sit on the back of the toilet and stair out it and draw the tree line. It beautiful outside today and I will definitly draw it as the sun is going down tonight. I look in the mirror at my 5'5" tall body that is skinnybut a unhealthy kind of skinny. MY long black hair the goes down to my butt in very beautiful curls and my beautiful blue eyes and full lips. some would say I'm beautiful but otheres wouldn't. i look just lke my mother and i love it. I'm not like your other " slaves" that you read about I'm proud of my self and i love my self. Even though no one else does i do and thts all that matters. I wash my face and put on some eye liner and mascara and go and put on a blue tank top and blue acid washed skinny jeans with a belt. I grab a dark blue jacket to cover the bruses that i could stop for getting. I run down stair and cook Alpha Anthony bacon, eggs and , toast with orange juice his usually. After I'm done i want thirty sandwiches and ten handburgers, and five salads for the five tramps. thats all the people that got to school right now that have home lunches so the rest just get something from the lunch room. I clean the kitchen then go and give alpha his food, then i clean the house and off to school i got but no not today. Once I give Alpha his food he looks and me and I was taught never look any alpha or higher raked wolf in the eyes but today that shit went out the window I looked at him back straight in the eyes.

"Problem Alpha.?" you could acctually taste the sarcasm off my words. The Alpha look shocked but then mad.

" WHat the hell are you wearing nichole you look like a slut. Its not like anyone would want you any way look at you your hideous." i couldnt help but laugh. I tried not to but it just came out.

" Thats not what you were saying last night." i slapped my hand over my mouth and turned to walk away. I can't belive I just said that to the Alpha. I was waiting for him to hit me but it never came just a growl than getting pulled back to look at him again.

" What did you just say to me.?" that basturd used his alpha tone on me that did nothing but make me mad. I pulled my arm out of his grip and looked at him and said on so very slowly that a baby would understand

" I said Thats not what you were saying last night. Why are you having problems with your hearing alpha you might want to get that checked out."

I walked away I dont care what he has to say he won't do anything to me if he knows whats good for him. i could feel my tattoo heating up as my anger rised. When my parents died timothy and i both got a tattoo on our backs of a wolf howling. At first we didn't know what it meant but know i know that when ever i get angry it glows red and when im sad its blue. By the burning sensation its red as hell right now and i dont care. You see I can control water and fire where timothy could control wind and earth. When we were together were could feed off eachothers energy and love but now i just feed off the hate i have for every one in the pack. It tok about five minutes to get to school and that was fast since my school was a mile away. i walked in to the school and right for my locker and of course it was spray painted with the would bitch in bright red. I laughed I looked around for the person who did it and i already knew it was the school tramp well the leader of the tramps. I walked up to her.

" Sarah you have no idea how much of a bitch i can really be." her mouth dropped cause I've never said anything to her when she pulled pranks like this but today i felt all kinda of power and i dont know why. But i really liked it i opened my locker and grabed my books and walked to class. I was of course the first one in class and i didnt care. I walked to the back and sat down. i waited for the bell to ring and sure enough two seconds later it did everyone started to come in the class room and sit down the teacher walked in with the fakes smile i have ever seen. i hate spanish but i have a A in here cause its easy

"hola clase cómo estuvo tu fin de semana bien, así que hoy vamos a simplemente leer y hacer lo que sea. bueno" i laughed a little and got out a book . For those of you who dont know what that means its 'hello class how was your weekend okay so today we are going to just read and do whatever. okay ' pretty basic. well for me i guess. i put my phone that i bought and pay for in the book and play temple run two all hour. the bell ring sixty minutes later and im the first one out the door. I hae gym next and i love tat class but since im not aloud to train i have to run all hour so i get to the locker room chancg intoo a pair ouf work out shorts and my work out tank top. i walk to the track before the rest of the class gets there and put my head phones in and start running. i sing along to i would by one direction and chalk out line by three days grace and chloe by emblem 3. And continue running untill i hear the bell ring when i get back to the school and change its lunch time and i just walk the halls untill i have englash. And sadly i have the alpha as my teacher. i was the last one in class and go to the back and sit down I have him for two hours and then a free hour and scoial studies. I put my head phone back in and start lisening to they way by mac miller and ariana grande. I sit there and watch the clock and not pay attention at all untill i hear my name screaned by the alpha. I pull my head phones ou and scream but


" You need to pay attention and take those headphones out and do not yell at me"

" I just did." I mummble under my breathe knowing damn well he could hear me. I look up at him and he mind inks me

' you are inso much trouble when we get home.'

' thats if i come home' he gets this look on his face like someone kick him in the balls and it looks like he is fighting with his wolf. i put my head phones back in and put my head on the dsk and fall asleep. For about five minutes then the bell rings and i know damn well he is going to say something to me so i make sure to be the last one out. An sure enough he grabs my arm and says mate. I look at his eye and I knew that his wolf was out and I didn't like it.

"no this can't be happening"

" oh but it is baby it is." I yanked my arm out of his hand and tried walking away. I got to the door and he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I pushed him off and I saw his heart literally break as I said these three words

" I reject you" .....

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