Not today Alpha.

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Hey y'all okay so here is the second chapter. sorry for any grammar mistakes. okay so here we go


" You did not just reject me." Anthony said. He wasn't sad anymore he was pissed.

" Oh but i did." my wolf is whimpering in the back of my head. I feel bad but she has known since I shifted i don't want a mate i just don't think that she knew how much pain it was going to be to stay away from him. I already feel the pull to mate and i don't like it. But my wolf did.

" you will not reject me nichoe."

" I already did anthony." He was starting to make me mad and mywolf was on my side this time even though his wolf was calling well more like screaming for her she just ignored him. I walk out of the class room and out of the school. i go to the woods and take off my cloths and shift . The amazing feeling of bones cracking and going to my wolf form was amazing. I watched as the black hairs started to come out of my skin untill i was in my wolf form competly i love it. I pick up my cloths and start joging untill i get to the waterfall my brother would take me to when we were littler. i sat next to the water and just watched it roll down the stream for about thirty minutes i forgot that i had to deal with anthony when i got back home but i can handle him. It was getting dark so I picked up my cloths and started walking back to the pack house. When i got there anthony was out side on the front porch. i walked up to the proch and he looked up and his eyes got big.

"Nichole is that you.?" he got off the porch and walked over to me. He rased his hand like he was going to pet me I growled at him. He has no right to touch me ever. i shifted and put my cloths on.

" you have no right to touch me ever." i growled at him and he looked hurt.... for two seconds than mad of course. He rased his hand like he was going to hit me and that just made my wolf mad she took control when i wasnt paying attention. She caught his hand right before it hit us.

" you will not lay a hand on her do you under stand me. " her voice was deeper than mine and i could tell my eyes were bright gold my wolfs color. He most likly let his wolf have control or he just took it. His eyes turned bright blue. I have to admit it was kinda hot.

"madison( wolfs name) why are you ignoring me and acting like this we are your mate you should love us with every thing you have but you don't why.?"

i could feel her slowly start to go to him so i took control and she didn't like that at all but i don't care.

"Cliff the only reason I don't want a mate is because I knew it was going to be Anthony and I saw him kill my brother so he can go suck a big one and so can you for letting him kill your mates only living relative." I scream at him. He crawls back into Anthony's head and Anthony comes out.... Great. 

" you saw what I did.? How " 

" cause im not stupid I could tell something was wrong with MY brother and I went to find him and the second he came into view I see you rip his throat out. You jack ass now if that wouldn't have happened and I didn't see my brother die you would have a mate some one that loves you but no you had to kill him." I was on the verge of tears just talking about my brother and him dyeing. I fell to my knee and cried but I was pulled into Anthony's arms and he held me to him and as much as I tried to fight him and get out of his grip it didn't work. After about do e minutes of fighting I finally gave in. Even though I didn't want to I had to. I had no fight left in me. Until I felt his lips in my neck. I pulled away from him with all the strength I could muster and got out of his arms and then just looked at him. His high check none that lead to his amazing sky blue eyes kinda Luke his wolf but less bright. His plump lips and his defined chin. He was the example of male beauty but his personality was shit he was to cocky and thought he was the big number one. But his only weakness just happened to be me.  

" I don't see why you keep trying when you know I will never accept you Anthony as much as my wolf loves you I don't cause I know how bad you can be. And I refuse to love you." Hurt played on his beautiful features and I felt bad at first but than I remembered what he did to me. Nothing is worth that pain. 

" Nichole im sorry I love you your my earth and heaven I know I screwed up bad but please forgive me I need you." 

He almost had me... Almost but he could not say sorry enough for all of those years of pure torcher that I went through.....  

" Go to hell Anthony you will never get me and to think I was almost falling for you and almost believed you when you said I love you. But no I'm done I will be gone tomorrow so you won't have to worry." I walked past him and to my room and got in the shower and scribed off all the dirt and nasty feeling I had from his kiss on my neck that just made my skin crawl. After I was done I walked out and put shorts and a tank top on and crawled into my bed and fell asleep but not before I heard a knock on my door and it opening my door. I look up in my half asleep state and see Anthony and he comes over to me and picks me up and Carries my to his room I think and puts me down on the bed. I sink into the matters and pull the covers over my body and fall asleep. To tired to put up a fight when he pulls me close to him and wraps his arms around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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