Road Trip

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Please keep in mind I'm nowhere near done. Please do me the favor and tell me wut u think so far.

My adventure on the road from Florida was extremely memorable. We had so much fun in Miami that our trip back had to be crazy.

It was check out time at our hotel and we were racing out not to pay extra. Amy was still with the guy she met the night before while the rest of us were trying to remember where her mystery man was staying.

We all got down to the Navigator to find Amy making out with this guy on the hood.

"Enough Amz, we need to get going".

Melissa started snickering about Amy never keeping her legs closed but failing to remember she slept with all of Amy's boyfriends since high school.

Either way we all packed up the car and headed out. As we drove passed the state line we followed tradition. Close our eyes, hold our breath, make a wish, and count to 3.

We decided to take the backroads home so we can drive faster. We got through Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina without a hitch, making only necessary stops along the ways for potty breaks, chips, and beer (shhh). As we were passing the state line into West Virginia, we followed tradition. Closed our eyes, held our breath, made a wish, and counted to 3.



"Oh my god Ashley! We hit something!", Denise was screaming. I pulled the car over and looked in the rear view mirror. I saw something limp on the ground but I couldn't tell what it was. "I'm sure it's just an animal", I rationalized. "It's late, there's no reason for us to go look just to see a deer dying". Denise cried, "Ash, I'm sorry but I don't think that was a deer. We need to check". We all got out and walked back. There was a blood trail leading from the car back to the body along with pieces of flesh.

It was a person. It looked like the impact had taken his head clean off. His clothing was frayed and tattered. There was blood gushing from his neck and literally tire tracks along his body. He had on only one shoe and the other foot looked like flattened ground beef. I couldn't understand how one accident made him look so... bad.

Denise, "We should call the cops".

Me, "I don't know 'bout that, we were all drinking".

Amy, just stood there crying with unintelligible speech.

Melissa, "Amy, shut the fuck up. I can't fucking think with your blathering!!", Melissa was seeing red and starting to lose it. All of the sudden Denise in with an eerily calm voice started talking, "We'll just get rid of him. No one has to know. We'll burn the body then ground the bones. No body, no crime." She flashed a look at all of us sending the creepiest cold sensation up my spine. I knew not to argue, and by the look on everyone else's face; so did they.

We dragged the body off the road, while Denise hunted down his missing head. We wrapped the body in a sleeping bag and put him in the back. First we stopped to get some gas. We filled the tank plus 3 gas cans. Then we stopped at a Walmart. We bought ammonia, bleach, sponges, soap, buckets, and car wax for cleaning the car. As for the job we had to do we bought coal, bolt cutter, hammers, and meat tenderizers. We weren't sure how we were going to ground the bones, but something was bound to work.

Clerk, "Looks like you girls is gonna have one hell of a night."

Amy, trying to be casual, "We...ummm, yea. Uh, barbecue."

Clerk, "Sounds, umm, fun. Cash or charge?"

Denise, "Sorry 'bout my friend, her brain turns off when her mouth or legs opens. Cash please."

So we piled into the car and just drove until the came across an empty looking diner. We used the bolt cutters to gain access. The place smelled like my grandma's kitchen. She was always cooking, like she expect all of her family to spontaneously show up at any moment.

We found a huge oven big enough to fit all four of us. We dragged the body in the sleeping bag to the oven and soaked it in gasoline. We found a cleaver and Denise used it to chop up the body before she put pieces in the oven figuring it would burn faster. Melissa set the sleeping bag on fire in an enormous nearby mixing bowl. It was scary watching the body go up into flames. The flesh browned so quickly while the air started to smell like the forth of July with all the barbecues and fireworks in the air.

We watched each piece we threw in burst into flames before charring and burning. It was so morbidly beautiful like watching lions in the wild hunt. The beauty of them stalking their prey with the horror of them catching and ripping apart whatever poor creature wasn't fast enough to evade them.

Denise grabbed the first charred piece and pulled off the remaining flesh from the bone. She threw more gasoline on the bones and flesh before tossing them directly in the flames this time. We heard the crackling of the bone. The sound was cringe worthy. After about a half hour she pulled the bones out declaring they were ready to be smashed.

We used a large rolling pin we found along with the tools we bought. We beat the hell out of those bones 'til all that was left was dust. A breeze came through a window somewhere swirling all of the dust around us. We tried hard not to, but we couldn't help breathing in some of our VICTIM.

It was nearly 5 in the morning by the time we were finished. We had made a huge mess. The floor was covered in ash, the oven was layered in thick soot, and it was surprising to see that such a tall man fit so easily in a 13 oz Folger's container (minus what we inhaled and spilled).

After the clean up from our very messy activity we trashed the place to make it look like the break in was a prank. We jumped in the jeep and headed towards home with our coffee can John Doe in tow. It was late when we reached NY. We stopped at a park along the FDR and pour John's ashes in the water. I don't know what it was but a euphoric sensation came over me and I had to celebrate our triumphant victory in getting away with literal MURDER. Unfortunately the girls didn't feel the same. I dropped them all off and went to party alone.

Amy's POV

I hate living alone. Under normal circumstances it sucks but ever since Ashley ran over that guy I can feel eyes all over me. Now that I'm home, it's like I'm not alone. Maybe a hot shower will wash away all of this guilt, not to mention soot and dead guy ash. Maybe I'll take a vanilla bubble bath, it'll sooth me to sleep.

Within an hour I was out cold until this gust of wind blew threw my room, over my body, and snatched my sheet off my body. It was so eerie. I knew positively at that point I wasn't alone, all the windows in my place were closed. I grabbed my taser out of my side table drawer. I tested it to make sure it was fully charged and started the hunt for the intruder. I heard a noise in the bathroom and tiptoed towards it. I know this is the part in the movie where I'm yelling at the dumb bitches to get the fuck out, but I had to pass the bathroom anyway to get to the front door.

As I stepped in the bathroom a freezing cold gust ran through my body and something grabbed me. I spun around but there was no one there. It grabbed me again and again. It was looking for something. I zapped the air and backed into the wall. "What do you want!", I wailed tears streaming down my face. I started coughing and ashes poured out of my nose and mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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