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A/N: Hey guys, So this week is the week of Veteran's Day. If any of you have family serving for our country you know the struggle of hoping they come back safe. Well, this book is based on that it's about a girl and her struggles in having her boyfriend in the military. 

If you get a chance at any point this week Let's go out, and Thank a Vet for their service!! 

Now, to the prologue... -Emily 


" You said that you would come home after basic training," I cry into my phone. " Babe, I'll be fine I gotta go it's time for dinner here," I hear my boyfriend say. I hang up, and just cry into my pillow. " Kennedy, time for dinner," I hear my mom say from the bottom of the steps. After a few minutes of me not answering, I hear heavy steps coming up the wooden steps signaling that my dad is frustrated. I lay on my bed, and stare at the picture of Jase and I last fall when he took me hunting. I hear banging on my door. I get up, and look in my full length mirror... I look like CRAP! " Kennedy Hope Dawes open your door now," I hear my dad's muffled voice yell. I open my door, and my dad says " Oh, sweetie what's wrong." " It's Jase, he is being shipped overseas," I say. My dad hugs me, and says " Well, let's go eat dinner and then we'll sit down, and watch Rudolph The Rednose Reindeer." I say " Okay, thank you daddy. Can I change first?" My dad says " Yeah go ahead." He kisses my head, and closes the door. I walk into my bathroom, and take off my make-up, place my blonde hair in a messy bun. I head downstairs, and my younger brother Chris says " Ah, here comes the soldier's princess." I start to cry, and run back upstairs shutting me in my bedroom. My dad comes up, and knocks on my door. I let him in, and he walks with back downstairs.

Chris says " Sorry, Ken." After eating dinner, I put the dishes in the dishwasher. I am the last one to get into the family room. I lay on the floor, and post on Facebook * Watching Rudolph The Rednose Reindeer, and missing my marine.* The first comment I get is from my best friend Tyler, she says " After you finish the movie, call me girl." The second comment is from Jase he states " Ah man you're watching it without me, I love you baby remember if you miss me look at the stars, because if you do we will be looking at the same stars." Later that night, after I hang up with Tyler. I fall asleep while looking out my window at the stars as snow starts to lightly fall.       

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