Chapter 4:

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(Tyler's POV)

I am asleep in the warm hotel bed. Suddenly, I feel someone lean near me, and kiss my hair. I smile, and hear Alex say with his morning voice " I know you're awake, baby." I open my eyes, and turn towards him. He pulls me close, and I snuggle into his chest, and he says " Elliot gets out of the hospital today, and then we are going to my papaw's farm. I sit up, and say " Really? Wow, we're not even dating." Alex says " I could be the one to change that." Alex sits up, and throws back the blankets. I watch him walk across the room to his duffel bag, and he comes back to bed with a letter. I open it up, and read aloud " Baby just look at us, all this time and we're still in love. Something like this just don't exist between a BACKWOODS BOY & a FAIRYTALE PRINCESS. People said it would never work out; living our dreams has shattered all doubts. It feels good to prove em' wrong... Living our love song." I look at the bottom, and it says 'check yes or no if you want to be my girlfriend.' I look up at him, and he smiles asking " So, Tyler would you be my girlfriend?" I stand up on the bed, and say " Yes!" I hug him, and jump off the bed. His parents wake up, and his dad asks " I'm guessing it happened?" Alex says " Yeah." His mom gets out of bed, and hugs me tightly. She says " I'm so happy for you." Alex puts on a shirt, and we all head down to the breakfast. After breakfast, we head up and get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans, a white v-neck, and tuck my jeans into my boots. I curl my hair, and I walk out with Alex. Finally, we have Elliot, and I am stuck between them. Elliot is drawing in a sketchpad. I am watching him, and he looks up. I ask " What are you drawing?" He says " It's a huge tree with a person sitting underneath it looking up through the limbs at the starry sky." I say " Wow, that's really descriptive." I ask " Is your career going to need drawing." He says " Yeah, I want to either be a comic book artist or special fx artist." I say " Nice, my brother Will loves drawing." Elliot says " Oh yeah, I know Will. We've shared drawings before."

I ask " You have?" Elliot says " Yeah, I'll show you one." He flips to the back, and pulls out a small sketch of my brother's. Finally, we reach this old farm, and Alex helps me out of the truck. Elliot opens the door, and is helped down by his dad. Alex takes my hand, and says " Let's go show you off." I smile, and we walk up to the door. Alex's dad knocks, and an older man comes to the door. The man says " Welcome, Craig." He gives Alex's dad a hug, and then he gives Alex's mom a hug which I am guessing is his daughter-in-law. Elliot is in front of us, and he says " Hey, papaw." The man says " Hey there, I heard about your crash is Aaron alright?" Elliot says " Yeah, we're just sore." Then, it's Alex. He lets go of my hand, and hugs him. The man asks " How is my marine?" Alex says " Good, papaw. I'm the happiest I have been in my life." Then he asks " And, who is this little lady?" Alex smiles, and says " Papaw, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Tyler Woods." His papaw says " Well, this must have been the girl you posted on facebook." Alex says " She is." We walk in, and I look around to see the black and white pictures of the farm, old trinkets, and family memories. I whisper to Alex " I love this."

We sit on the couch, and Alex leans towards me. I look at him, and he says " I love you." We kiss, and before I pull away I hear someone say " Hold it." Alex and I keep our lips locked together. Soon,we pull apart, and Elliot says " Ty, come look at this." I get up, and walk over. Elliot shows me the picture he did. It's a picture of Alex and I kissing. I hug him, and say " That's really cool, Elliot." He says " Thanks, you can have it when we get back home, because I have a plan for this picture." I say " Okay." Alex gets up, and he says " Hey, Tyler come with me." I say " Okay." He takes my hand, and we walk outside. We are walking, and he walks up to a tree. I ask " What are we doing by this tree?" He says " There's a family tradition that I want to share with you." I say " Okay." He says " This tree has a special part in my family, every man in my family before me has etched their name and their girlfriends heart in this tree." I say " Really?" He says " Yeah." Then he says " It works like this, when a guy asks a girl in my family to be their girlfriend they come to this tree and etch their names in it. When they get engaged they come back to the tree, and etch the date in they did under the heart with their names in it." I say " Aw, Alex that's so sweet." Alex takes out a pocket knife, and etches our names in a heart on the tree then he gives me a kiss.

(Kennedy's POV)

I haven't heard from Tyler in a while. I did hear that Elliot got out of the hospital. Jase is coming over in a bit, and he said he had something special planned for us. I am sitting on my bed, and I hear a knock at my door. I say " Come in." Jase opens the door, and says " Hey, baby." I squeal " Jase!" I get up, and run into his arms. He asks " Are you ready to see what I have in store for you?" I say " Yeah." He says " Okay, wait until after we eat." I say " Aw, baby that is mean." He says " Yeah, but this isn't." Jase grabs my waist, and lays me on my bed. I arch my back against his chest, and he says " I love you, baby girl." I smile as he kisses me. We start to makeout, and there is a knock at my door. I pull away, and chris is standing there. He says " Ken, It's time for dinner." I say " Okay." We head down to eat dinner, and Jase takes a seat next to me. After dinner we are all sitting in the livingroom. Jase gets up, and says " Kennedy could I ask you a question." I look up, and say " Yeah, ask away." He says " Come here." I walk towards him, and he says " I know we don't live together, but Kennedy I want to change that. We have been dating for a 5 months, and I would like to ask." Jase pulls a square box out of his pocket. He then asks while opening it " Kennedy, would you do the honor of moving in with me?" He opens the box, and I see key next to a ring.

I say " Oh my gosh, yes Jase." He takes the ring, and asks " Also, Would you marry me?" At this point I am crying. I shake my head yes, and he stands up putting it on my finger. I hug him, and he says " I love you." I say through sniffles " I love you,too." 

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