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As Lucy heads to the guild she hears
A familiar voice calling her name it
Was natsu! Lucy didn't bother to
Turn around she just kept walking.
"Lucy wait up please!" Natsu yelled Lucy just kept on walking. Soon natsu
Catches up with her and grabs her
From behind. "What do you want natsu let me go!!" I have a suprise natsu
Covered Lucy's eyes and walked her
Carefully to natsus apartment as they
Got there natsu let Lucy go "what is it?"
Natsu had flowers and a little box.
"I never meant to kiss lisanna she made
Me kiss her I'm sorry Lucy forgive me"
Lucy runs to natsu and wraps her
Legs around him he throws her to the bed and natsu starts taking off her shirt
Natsu starts kissing her neck Lucy moans "I forgive you natsu" Lucy takes
Of natsus shirt and natsu takes of Lucy's skirt Lucy then starts to unbutton natsus pants natsu licks
Lucy stomach and Lucy moans he then
Starts taking off her bra "wait! Natsu
I dot want to go that far" Lucy says
"It's fine but at least let me get another
Good kiss" Lucy blushes and gives
Natsu a kiss natsu grabs Lucy and carries her to the wall natsu gives
Lucy a hicki and Lucy moans
"That's better" natsu says
"Let's get some rest" Lucy says

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