Chapter One

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               The class bell rang. It wasn’t long, or traditional, like in the secondary schools. The bell was brief. Charlotte made her best effort to escape from the crowded classroom. Her first and only class on Friday was Math. Currently, the math class consisted of analyzing calculus. To be honest, she dreaded every minute of calculus courses. This was surprising, even to Charlotte herself. She’d always loved math, and every other subject in school imaginable. Knowledge was the basis of her life. That was the exact reason for her move from the states to Britain years ago to obtain further studies at the top-notch high schools and soon enough: to study at Cambridge University.

               Not only were the opportunities here incredible, but the history within the walls was fascinating. Cambridge is one of the oldest colleges in the United Kingdom. It didn’t surprise anyone. The structure was almost medieval. Some of the students described it as haunted. These rumors did not spook Charlotte, but often it made her feel as if her classmates wanted to chase her away.

               As if being the typical “nerd” didn’t harm her reputation enough, the American accent just caused her to stick out more. To top all of the exceptional grades and uniqueness off, she was pretty. Behind the stone cold expressions of the lads in the school, each was swooning. Charlotte didn’t care, though. As far as she was concerned, two close friends from her high school and a few from her college courses was enough. Her top priority was education.

               Repeating her Friday routine, Charlotte paced down the endless corridor, passing cliques and groups of athletes. Finally, she met up with Kelsey and Elizabeth. Eyes traveled over to the three girls discretely, burning holes into their backs. Both Kelsey and Elizabeth had reputations for being “popular” on campus. Charlotte was likeable, too. She had wished she wasn’t. The parties Kelsey and Elizabeth attended weren’t exactly part of her scene. Her friends accepted this.

               Everyone’s conversations ceased or became hushed as new footsteps were heard from down the hall. None other than Finley Sawyer stepped out from the shadows. The chatter commenced in hopes to catch a single glance from the most well-known boy on campus.

               The entire school knew him as Finn. If anyone who wasn’t him caused the name Finley to come into discussion, they wouldn’t be heard from for a while. Finn was tough, a bad boy. His hair was dark, and often left untouched in tousles. His skin was fair, and almost tanned. Aside from his strikingly good looks, his father is one of the most successful men throughout Britain and is filthy rich. Nobody knew what Finn majored in, nor did they care. He was hot, and that was all that mattered to them; girls in particular. Finn had dated every girl on every Cambridge campus, Charlotte guessed; every girl except for her. This was something Finn vowed he would fight to change.

               They had known each other since she came over to Wolverhampton for her freshman year in high school. Charlotte never brought herself to know him, let alone like him. Just to make things even more complicated, due to the whopping ninety eight mile drive from Wolverhampton to Cambridge, both Charlotte and Finn booked rooms in the mixed gender dormitory: McCormick Hall.

                 McCormick was beautiful! Brick walls, topiary lining the front lawns, and the walls could be painted to colors of the students liking; if, of course, the stay would be extended. Charlotte intended for it to be extended, as did Finn.

               Charlotte felt his emerald green eyes on her as he approached his pack of friends. To an innocent, brown eyed blonde like herself, these jocks resembled packs of wolves.

               “Look who is spying on you,” Elizabeth snickered in her distinct accent that never seemed to get old to Charlotte.

               “Oh he’s so hot.” Kelsey was practically fanning herself as she stared Finn down. His green eyes landed on her, causing her actions to come to a halt and her cheeks to burn a bright red.

               “He’s conceited. Finn is so cocky I can’t handle it.” Charlotte rolled her eyes. Hot, gorgeous, handsome; all of which were commonly used to describe Finn. Charlotte wouldn’t check either of the above. She called him the biggest jerk she had ever met. In one swift movement, she pushed her blonde locks from her face.

               “He isn’t as bad as you make him out to be,” Kelsey grinned while she spoke. Charlotte paid no attention to her words. “What do you have against him?”

               “Kelsey, you know I love you, but I am only being honest. Everything,” Charlotte gritted her teeth, biting fiercely against her lip. If there was one thing she didn’t like, it was a narcissus, or a self-centered boy. Narrowing her shining brown eyes, she read Finn’s lips as he spoke to his friends. He mumbled a quick ‘I need to take care of something’. Without a second thought, he began his long strides towards Charlotte and her friends. Elizabeth cuffed Kelsey’s arm with the back of her hand, murmuring ‘Be cool’. Charlotte just huffed quietly. Finn finally reached their little gathering.

               “What do you want?” Charlotte asked sweetly, but it sounded incredibly fake. Finn noticed her lack of interest, but shrugged it off, considering he was up for this fight.

               “Go on a date with me.” The people in the corridor gasped. This made Charlotte wonder whether or not the minds of these people were trapped in primary school. With every eye on her, she knew she must give Finn an answer.

               “No, sorry,” Charlotte almost whispered. This caused laughter from Finn’s group of friends, along with the igniting of the hushed conversations once again.

               Finn couldn’t help but smile at Charlotte’s persistence. This emotion quickly disappeared, as he didn’t appreciate showing much attitude in public. Nor did Finn appreciate the fact that he just got rejected by the quietest, yet most beautiful by far, girl on campus.

               “I just don’t really have the time,” Charlotte excused. Finn shrugged, clearing his throat. “For you anyway,” She murmured softly.

               “Glad to see that you care more about your education than a social life,” Finn chuckled. “Not that you would ever had one if you wanted to,” He added. He knew he was rude, but it’s how he had been. Finn couldn’t stop the insults if he tried. Though he would learn to if he ever wanted Charlotte’s heart.  “Anyone would have time for me,” He laughed lowly. “You should come to the party tomorrow night at Ryan’s. I would love to see you,” He winked, kissed her hand softly, and disappeared to his friends. Truth be told, Charlotte had already been invited to Ryan’s party. Both were enrolled in the Honors Physics course. She wouldn’t let Finn know that. Finn was unbelievably persuasive, and charming. Charlotte wouldn’t let herself be bothered by it.

               A nudge from Kelsey stirred her from her thoughts. Charlotte eyed Finn from the slight distance he had walked.

               “I’m not going anyway! I have to study,” Charlotte called, straining a giggle from Elizabeth. Kelsey merely stared at Charlotte with wide blue eyes.

               “Of course you do,” Finn shook his head, the words barely passing his teeth under his breath.

               “The nerve of some people,” Kelsey shook her head, poking at Charlotte’s sides.

               “What have you gotten yourself into, Lottie?” Elizabeth laughed, shaking her head. No one would know what Elizabeth was talking about; no one except for the two girls standing next to her. Little did Finley Sawyer understand, Charlotte Alden was going to Ryan’s party, whether he would know or not.

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