Blinding ( Suicide 1 page story)

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HI so i was reading this story (best freaking story EVER i have to say) called "27 Tattoos". The ending made me BAWL my eyes out, and i mean full on bawling, i was shaking and it was hard to breathe, make up running down my face, everything. 

But the way she read it made me feel like i was IN the story, like this was all acutally happening to ME. So, i know that in the end she meets a guy after what happened. (im not going to say cause if u haven't read 27 Tattoos then i don't want to give the ending away) But i thought of another ending, and i want to share it with you, all name rights and everything goes to @thecollarboneslut )author. 

But ur emotions just made me feel, UGH can't explain it, so i wanted to right this.

Just to let you all know. 

He's gone, and she is so over taken with pain, she is coming back from the hospital after she's told...stuff, and she feels like she just can't take it anymore, she can't live without him, so she goes and takes her own like for be with him again. Like how i felt, i felt like i couldn't contorl my feelings, it was so overwhelming. 

SO this is just a little thing i thought of after I read 27 Tattoos and read the ending. And i just wanted to right it and share it with the author and maybe even the readers of her story.

So to @thecollarboneslut thank u for writing such an amazing story and i just had to write this for you, cause ur story made me want to feel it.

Blinding ( Suicide 1 page story)Where stories live. Discover now