Chapter 1

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08/16/3062-Mood: Reckless yet depressed

It was four months ago that the crash occurred, yet I still think about it every night. Two were killed, and the survivor was accused of murder. He was found not guilty, yet every day I question the truth behind those two words; the words that set Jericho Moretti free.

If I could go back to that night, I would scream in protest and throw things around. The past, however, cannot be changed. That's the harsh truth that I haven't succumbed to yet. Tomorrow is a new day, different from the rest I hope.

Believing a murderer could be walking by me every day doesn't calm me down in the slightest. Everyone deserves a second chance though, and so I am choosing to give Jericho another try in proving his sanity. Him messing this up means dealing with me, and I'm not sure if anyone is ready for that; especially when a murderer could so easily turn into the victim.


I drop the pen, blowing at the wet ink. My fingernail drags down the paper as I pick up my pen. I adjust my gaze to the sunset, lightly placing my elbow up on the windowsill. Tonight the colors are blue, purple, and orange; a perfect mix. Everything here is flawless, except for me. I'm the mistake.

"We the jury, find the defendant, Jericho Moretti, not guilty for the deaths of Mary and Todd Moretti." The words scream in my ears, and for hour long seconds I don't move. The words play over and over again in my head, subconsciously bringing me back to the pain of that day.

"Maybe I just need a little more time," I start singing softly, a lump forming at the base of my throat, "Maybe I just need a little more love. Maybe I just need a little more of everything, 'cause what I have right now's not enough." A tear falls out of my eye when I stop singing, and my sobs fill the room along with an occasional sniff.

A robust kind of rage soon envelopes me, and I roughly stand up, throwing my diary blindly across the room. That's for Mary and Todd. My feet march over to my nightstand, and I throw my lamp. That's for all pain I've gone through. Tears blur my vision, so I slap my cheeks to try to rid the tears from my face.

My door slams open, and soon my weeps echo off the hallway's walls. "It's okay," my mom whispers once she reaches me, pulling my head into the crook of her neck. "It'll be okay," she corrects.

"Why does it hurt so badly?" I cry, weaving my arms into my mom's loose knit sweater.

"You knew them forever, Holly, of course it's going to hurt. Mary was there when I wasn't, and now that she's gone, I'll be here because she isn't. I promise to be a better mother to you, Holland; hold me to that." My nose swipes slightly on my mom's collarbone as I pull my head away.

"I'll hold you to that," I promise softly. She laughs lightly while I lightly cock a smile.

"Get some rest, Holly." I nod and walk over to my bed, giving my mom a sympathetic glance once I see all of the glass shards. Crouching down, I start collecting the debris with my hands. "Leave it alone, Holland. I will clean it up later." As I hesitate, my mom glares at me, resting a hand on her hip. Sighing quietly, I stand up and climb in my bed, resting my eyes as soon as the door closes. "I'm sorry," my mom whimpers outside the door as I fall asleep. "So sorry." Then I'm out.

    When I wake up the next morning, something seems off. Everything does, actually. As I walk to school, my breath is sucked out by the dry air and it follows a long, foggy path. The wind stings my eyes, and shivers are constantly rolling down my spine.

When I get to school, everyone is gathered in a group, whispers lightly making their way around. The reason? A fight, between Jericho and some guy who had the nerve to make jokes about Mary and Todd's deaths. I interlock my hands while grating my teeth together. I'd kill him if there weren't so many people around.

My legs swing back and forth underneath the chair, and my respect grows a tad bit more for Jericho every second. If I was in Jericho's shoes, I would be locked up right now. "The time is 7:59 am. Everyone please report to your education hall in one minute. Guards are walking around and will escort anyone who is not in their assigned room in thirty seconds. Remember; honesty is loyalty." I grind my teeth together at the sound of Ms. Ranson's voice. By escort you mean throw in a holding cell, right?

I'm a different because I don't agree. The fake loving tones that everyone uses, the whole I care act; it disappears if you're tested different. You're watched like a hawk, and everyone is wary of you because they're taught that diverse isn't good. I live in a world where perfect is normal, and honestly, I'm proud to be different.

Hello! Here is the first chapter; hope you all like it! I am so excited to start this story and I hope you guys are excited to read it!

Stay beautiful, loves! ;) -Sierra

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