Chapter 1

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It was late Friday night. The Autumn wind blew the leaves around in mini tornados of red and orange. The town was silent, save for a couple birds chirping in the trees here and there.

Colton Yorke was making his way to the local library, humming softly to himself, his armload of books numbing his arms, making them threaten to drop his load. He blew some of his blonde hair out of his face, only for it to fall back. His light brown/ amber-ish eyes watched the cones of color swirl with the scraping noises of the leafs on the pavement.

Colton made his way up the library steps, turning and pushing his back against the door. He made his way up to the desk, smiling at the librarian, Mrs. Evers.

Mrs. Evers was a lively woman; she always had a smile on her face. She always had her hair done in the wackiest colours, somethimes black and red, other times green and blue, it was always different. She always had her hair done in a long braid, going over her shoulder and down to her waist. She always wore a faded rust-red sweatshirt with dark jeans and converse.

(I just realised I put 'She always' in every sentence)

"And how are you today, Colton?" Mrs. Evers asked, checking in all 27 of his books.

"I'm well. And you?" He smiled, leaning on the counter.

"I'm well. I had to fix a couple of books that people had written in."

Colton nodded, standing straight. He gave a small wave to Mrs. Evers, walking into the mystery section. He walked up and down the isles, looking over the tall shelves filled with different sized books. He read the titles silently to himself, pulling out a few, as he had read most of the stories already.

One of his friends, Andy, ran up to him.



"Yeah, yeah. Dude come on! Come with me to the park!"

Colton sighed, looking at his american friend. "Why do you want me to go with you? Is this another one of your wild schemes to get me together with someone?"

Andy has known for a while what Colton's preference was when it came to dating. He wasn't that interested in the female sex. And when Andy found out, that was it. He was playing match maker left and right.

"Awe come on man. You'll like this one. Pleeeeeeeeease? I promise he's not like the last guy."

Oh. Yeah. Zach. The douche that slapped me within ten minutes of meeting him. That was a delight.

"Ok ok fine. I'll try. But if it ends up like what happened with Zach, you're done playing match maker for me. Deal?"

Andy nodded, grabbing Colton's wrist and dragging him towards the door. Colton struggled, managing to put the books he was holding on Mrs. Evers desk while they passed.

Colton pulled out of Andy's grasp when they made it outside. He rubbed his wrist, glaring at Andy.

"I can walk on my own you know. And it's very rude to drag someone around like that."

Colton spun on his heel, took one step, and collided with a wall. No. Not a wall. A chest. A well built, toned chest. The impact sent him to the ground, the force of his head hitting the cement sending his glasses flying.

Colton sat up slowly, feeling around for his glasses. He felt vulnerable and weak without his glasses. His hand bumped into someone elses, making him jump and pull his arm back.

"Sorry. I should have been paying attention to where I was going," The voice was in between deep and high pitched. Somewhere right in the middle, just right. The kind of voice you can listen to all day and it won't get annoying.

Colton felt his glasses slide onto his face. He looked up to see who's chest he collided into.

The boy blinked, staring at the beautiful man in front of him. The long, blackish blue hair that was pulled back in a ponytail and draped lazily over his shoulder. The dark blue, almost purple eyes that had a look of worry and hint of amusement in them. The nicely tanned skin that was free of any marks or blemishes, save for a scar that ran through his right eyebrow and across the top of his eye.

Colton stared, amazed. He'd never seen anyone like the man before; he knew everyone in this small town. He was new. The blonde sat up.

"Oh. Sorry. No. It's my fault." He got up, fixing his glasses.

The bluenette shook his head.

"You're fine. Really. It was all me. Can I make it up to you?"

Colton stared, "I don't even know your name."

"Aki. Aki Viitala. I just moved here."

The Bluenette smiled a bit at the smaller boy, seeing the hesitation in his eyes. His grin widened as he watched the other nod.

"Fine. Where do you want to go? It would have to be later. Or maybe tomorrow."

Aki nodded. He thiught a moment. "How about the movies. Tomorrow at seven."


Andy dragged Colton into the park, the blonde cursing underneath his breath behind him. There was a boy sitting on the fountain in front of them, obviously getting impatient.

"Grant! My man! My dude! I got him!"

The boy looked over, his ginger hair falling in his face some. He walked got up, walking over to the two. Colton watched the boy's uptight walk, stiff posture. The piercing blue orbs the boy had for eyes felt like daggers. It felt like he was being judged.

Colton shook his head, turning to walk away. Andy grabbed his shirt, pulling him back.

"Give him a chance."

Colton huffed, crossing his arms and leaning against the fence. "Fine. And if this turns out like Blake? Or how about Allen? Frank?"

"Yeah yeah. Just try it." Andy grinned, fist-bumping Grant when he got close. "Wassup man? This is Colton. Colton, this is Grant."

Grant looked Colton up and down, nodding slowly. "He looks like a good piece of ass. You were right."

Colton frowned. "No. I'm done. Already." He frowned, turning away. "I'm not going to be talked about like that."

Andy sighed, "Colton. You said you would try."

"No! I'm done!" He stormed off. He made his way back to the library, wanting to just hide away and read.

He made his way inside, waving to Mrs. Evers as he went, going straight for the mystery section. He sat on the floor, grabbkng a Hardy Boys book, sitting back.

The boy spent hours there, just reading, staying hidden. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. The blonde looked up at who it was, findjng the bluenette from before. Aki.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had plans?"

Colton sighed, shutting the book in his hands, staring at it. "Well, I did. But things happened. I'm free now but I just kinda want to stay here."

Aki nodded, sitting next to him. "Alright. I can deal with that. If you want company that is."

Colton nodded. "That would be great."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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