chapter 3: why did Fred leave

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i know its starting super boring but we are almost close to the action so hope you like this chapter 

STARTING STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the 4 days passed I couldnt wait to be monday , cause like Rolland seemed more younger than he was , he was so full of energy. when monday came i went skipping to the car my mom saw me and said "Ha, your really happy to go as i see". when we got there i pulled open the  door and ran to the front door and knocked . while my mom pulled out of the driveway. Mr.Leigh opened the door which was rather odd cause he never opened the door but a red haired boy did  but i didnt care. so i went inside.

The only thing weird was that t was sort of dirty not sparkling clean as always. he looked sort of sad so i said

"What happened Rolland?" 

He answered " Fred ran away i dont know why, his family doesnt know where he is , maybe he even got kidnapped you never know , its so sad cause he's a young lad i hope they find him soon maybe he will die of hunger, but he is a smart guy i guess he knows where to go and what to do"

(fred is the guy who cleans and opens the door but he is a very great kid and handsome he is 17)

i wondered why he will run away i remembered when he said he truly loved his life


Fred suddenly said when i was in the living room waiting for Mr.Leigh" he is almost coming"

"ok" i said.

fred then murmured "so how's your life?" 

"pretty good , just my mom  doesnt trust me much, and yours ?"

"yeah its pretty good to , but i got to say something niall"

"what is it ?"

"dont trust"

Then Mr.Leigh appeard on the doorway and Fred  standed up to leave .  when i saw a handprint on his arm so i said "what happedned there fred?"

he just said "nothing just a fight with my brother of who got the control for theT.V. , noyhing serious" then he left letting me wonder " what did he mean for dont trust 



so i said to mr. leigh "why dont you hire someone for the mean time" 

he said "already did , he's coming next week,  but let's not worry about this, lets go to the movies"

"ok", so we went and saw "IRONMAN 3". When the movie . when the movie ended we went back to his house. when we entered . we went to the living room after like 3 minutes of talking i heard a grunt and a loud  THUMP!!!!!! like someone or something falled. so mr.leigh said rather nervously" ill go check maybe i put something wrong in the basement. he left then after like 5 minutes   he came back loooking flustered or like he did  lot of effort so i asked 

"are you alright Rolland?"

'" yeah , just the box was heavier than expected" . "ok" i answered 

but i still wondered why did Fred meant by those simple words 

"Don't Trust "

Hope you like it 

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