The first day

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*a week later*
   Today was the first day of school. I was scared. I needed to not let people bully me, stick up for myself, and be me. I am wearing a t-shirt, a pair of ripped denim jeans, and a pair of Nikes.

  As I walked into Harring High School he caught my eye. I couldn't tell if it was that our eyes just happened to meat or if it was for real. I mean it's not like I stuck out that much , It's every ones first day of high school. I ended up having three classes with him, and in science he sat right next to me. We had to get to know each other and his name is Damon. He was so amazing, it was weird how it was like we clicked or something. Later in 6th period he came to my locker and gave me a note, I was to scared to open it up at school.

   When I got home I went up to my room and opened the note

" dear Octavia,
We should hang out some time. If you can tomorrow ask your parents if you can come hang out. Make shure that they know you will be out till 8. Meet me at my locker, 2044

I do t know what I'm feeling what could it be . Happy? Sad? Emotional? Scared? Confused? Overwhelmed? Or maybe love?

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