Chapter 4

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I'm soooo sorry for not updating last week!

You won't regret waiting, I swear!

🎶🎶 = Play Music

Chapter 4

The three of us entered the hospital, and Stiles jumped to the morgue sign, "Oh, look!" He said, pointing in the direction for us to take.

Scott and I shared a look, nodding, "Okay."

We opened the door to the hall, and Stiles shrugged, "Umm, good luck, I guess?"

We nodded, walking down the cold hallway, turning away and ducking our head when a doctor came from the room to our left, giving us a weird look, before turning back to his clipboard.

Scott and I quickly jumped into the room of the morgue, breathing tensely at the cold, lifeless interior of the room.

Scott slowly walked to where one of the metal doors was, and he read the body label

Jane Doe: Partial

"I'm guessing partial meaning half?" I said nervously, "That's her." I stated.

Scot gave me an urging look, "Well... Open it." He said, gesturing towards the metal compartment.

I gave him a disgusted look, "Wha-me? This was your plan?!"

"Exactly, it's your turn to lift some of the weight!" He exclaimed.

I gasped, "I'll have you know, I lift a lot of the weight, thank you very much!"

"Just open the door." He stressed.

"Oh my God!" I huffed, slamming the metal door open, freezing at the body behind it.

I gulped, taking a step back to look at Scott, "You can pull her body out."

He gave me a withering look, slowly pulling the body from the metal compartment.

I winced at the loud creaking as the metal table slid from the wall, only half of the body covered by a sheet.

"You can lift the sheet too." I told him.

He groaned, beginning to breathe heavily in fear and anxiety, flipping the sheet over to reveal the information card that was strung around toe of the body.

"Well.. Is it the same?" I asked.

Scott gagged, shoving the body away from him, slamming the metal door closed to pulling me down the hall, "It's the same." He confirmed.

We broke out of the door to the hall, and I pulled the menstrual cycle magazine out of Stiles' hands, making him gasp, "Oh-God!"

"The scent is the same!" Scott said.

"You sure?" Stiles said, standing from his seat.

"Yes." Scott sighed.

"So he did bury the other half of the body on his property." Stiles confirmed, bringing a hand to his forehead.

"Which means we have proof he killed the girl." I stated.

I can't believe Scott was actually right about something.

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