chapter 2

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Your pov
My mom and I went to the office and the principal name ms vegetable give me my schedule and told me to go to class my mom stayed.while I was walking I seen the boys again.I just kept starring I think they saw me so I turn again really fast and ran unto a girl who brown hair and blue eyes
The girl:sorry it my fault
Yn:no it mine im sorry I was looking at boys and I think they saw me
The girl:I kayla n wat boys
Yn:those twin over there
Kayla:you.should not mess with them they are the bad boy twin
Yn:they dont like bad
Kayla:well they are now come on
Yn:can I.put my stuff in
Kayla:no u can go to at lunch

Justin pov
I seen tht girl look at me I really.need to know her im going to her class but first me and jason have to go somewhere
Jason:justin hurry
Justin:im coming u fuck
Jason:shut ur ass up for the boss be mad
Justin:ok damn

Me and kayla went to class and set down it was only chairs in the back so that where I went and set.minutes past then I heard the teacher say both u late so I lift my head up and the twin were coming my way.I was scared then jason or justin said

Justin:ur in my seat
Yn:oh ok
Jason:that all u going to say
Yn:yea bye.ur in my way
Justin:u think ur bad I like tht
Yn:same here (smirk)
Jason:yea .justin let to her

Jason pov
I kept looking at her than she.look back and blush.I was finna was walk to her until I heard the the jason yn n justin in my

Your pov
Wat did I do

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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