You Found Me

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I had dreamed about this moment for such a long time, but it wasn't how I imagine. I didn't know where to go. It was three in the morning and I was all alone, roaming the streets of my hometown, looking for the nearest mile marker, wondering what my parents would think when they woke up and saw me gone. That is, if they even cared at all.

A long time ago, my parents decided that I was an outcast in our family; I hated almost everything and everyone, whereas my older brother was on the honor roll, played football, and had every girl within a half-mile radius wanting to date him. That, and my parents were successful business people and wanted nothing less than perfect from all of their children.

So that officially makes me the disappointment.

Anyway, about a month and a half ago, when my father came home after work, I was heading downstairs when I heard yelling coming from the kitchen. I couldn't understand all of it, but pieces and parts were audible, and I caught enough of what they said to know that it was about me, and how they could get me to become a better daughter for them. They argued for what seemed like ever over how they were going to "fix me", like I was some broken part that they could just tune up and I'd be good as new.

That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands and make everything easier on them; I'd leave so they would never have to worry about their embarrassment of a daughter. I'd be gone with no clue as to where I was heading - frankly, I didn't know where the hell I was going - and it'd all be better.

It would help if I knew where I was going instead of stumbling around the city.

It would also help if he would answer my calls...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2013 ⏰

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