Chapter Twelve

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April 12th 2015

The silent truck was grinding Louis teeth together, the trucker had been spitting in some nasty old can that was only spotted by Niall, Liam and Zayn had been whispering plans to one another as Harry had fallen asleep on Niall's shoulder. The boys were all so tired, grumpy, frustrated with the long ride as the man who had been driving, only took a few wrong turns after admitting to making his simple mistakes without apologizing to any of them.   

They spoke of nothing, giving each other side glances as they, mentally spoke with their eyes. Knowing that the other was thinking as they tried their best to not snap at the huge trucker man that was touching his radio every now and then. Rain had paddled along the top of the truckers truck, giving the sounds a more soothing jam to the screechy radio that kept losing it's own signal under each bridge they drove beneath. They had no idea where they were, how long they had been driving, how far this Gas station was, were they even safe anymore? Why aren't any of them saying anything? That's right...this is their only ride and the man was nice enough to give it to them without arguing or rejecting. 

'' far along did you say this gas station was from here?'' Liam opened his mouth like he usually does when he's feeling irritated with something that takes longer then his own Nan putting on a pair of new shoes. ''Because last time i checked, the map was pretty much telling us that we were closer then what this drive is proving to us.'' Liam had been staring down at the map he had shoved in his pocket earlier, all folded up neatly. 

Niall noticed the driver clenching the steering wheel, knuckles turning paper white and veins popping from his arms that he had rolled his long sleeves from. He wasn't sure if this man had issues, if this man hated questions, or if he just acted this cold towards those who asked too much. He had scooted a little closer until his thighs were currently touching all up against Harry's, letting the young lads head fall back. He couldn't keep his eyes off the drivers arms, gulping towards the end as he watched the muscles flex. 

''We're almost there, be patient for a few more minutes. My GPS is a bit fucked up from the wreck i was involved with awhile back, wasn't pretty either. Few more minutes and i'll check the map on my phone, shouldn't be too long if you think about it. So...this trip, in that much of a hurry to get your car fixed? Is there any reason why you five lads are heading out so far away?'' 

''Just a friendly little trip, nothing special or anything. We have been planning on getting out of California and exploring, accomplish some things on our list that we had been thinking about for months now. Thanks for clearing that up for us though, means I can close my eyes and rest. You guys make sure to wake me when we get to the station, yeah?'' Liam shouldered Zayn's shoulder, making sure he was listening. 

''Yeah, sure...whatever you say mofo. Now stop asking so many questions, i'm sure the man know's where he's going. Don't mind this turd blossom, he's the only one out of our small group that freaks the hell out for no reason. You'll probably get use to him on the way back to our van, he's a strange one.'' Zayn stretched his arms in front of him, touching the dusty heater that wasn't working all too well for any of them. ''Ay mate, do you ever clean this thing?'' 

''Zayn! You just don't ask people that kind of shit, the hell is wrong with you mate?!'' Liam harshly whispered to the other man as he pinched his upper arm, giving him the death glare. ''Don't be rude, stupid jerk. He's our driver so don't push our luck, don't ask questions like that ever again.'' Liam felt embarrassed, embarrassed that his mate would ask such a silly yet stupid question that can ruin a nice ride that's coming for free. ''Damn, i'm so sorry about my mate. He has no shame at all, he's always gotta open his mouth when he feels like it...If it's not him then it's that one over there.'' Pointing at Louis, Louis was halfway through his pack of gum already. 

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