The MI6

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'Meet me at the airport. 1PM.  I'll explain there' I read on a note in my dads handwriting on the kitchen. I looked at the clock. 9:34. I didn't see my dad anywhere. Millions of thoughts came to my mind. Where was he? Why JL Airport? Why isn't he here? I decided I'd leave that for 1PM and John Lennon's Airport. I had porridge for breakfast and then did some stuff for tests. I'll be finishing High-School this June. What then, I don't know. I'll be a grown man and might go and join my father in the Falkland war. Presuming it won't be over by then. And he won't be dead. At 11:30 I decided I might as well go and see Rosemary. She ought to be ready to departure by now and if Dads going to be anywhere he'll be there. When I opened our front door and wanted to exit our front garden. But a man was blocking my way. He had something in his right hand. I wanted to pass him but he wouldn't let me. He was large and masculine, about 25 or 30 years. He would probably win if we got in a fist-fight, especially since he the thing in his hand. It might be a weapon.
"Excuse me Sir," I said "I'm going out. Please get out of my way."
"No you not" he replied. He had a deep voice and an American accent.
"Excuse me?" I said
"I said you not goi'n'  anywhere." He replied
"Who are you to tell?" I hated being bossed around when I was a child. I'm not going to get bossed about by someone when I'm 17. The thing in his hand transformed into a hand-gun.
"I think this is enough to let you know." He said and pressed a button. Sudeenly, everything was black.

I woke up in a hospital. All the windows where closed. I looked at the little clock on my bed-table. Thursday 19th May 1982. 16:37. Bugger. Dad'll be gone by now. Anyway, I've got my own problems right now. I tried to move but my body wouldn't budge. I scanned the room. Next to the window there was a shelf, and a table, but I couldn't figure out what was on it. On the other side there was a big door that I couldn't get past even if I had a rocket launcher. I decided that the best thing I could do is wait to see what they wanted from me. So I waited. And waited. But no one came. When I was in there for about an hour I got bored of lying and tried to get up again. This time, I had full control over my body and easily got up. I went to the window and tried to open it. Or at least the  bar things on the window, but it all was either stiff or locked. I came to the table. There was some random stuff, and in the shelf there where Sherlock Holmes books, books about Biology but nothing really interesting. I found a CD player and when I mucked about in the bookshelf for some time a found a CD with a Beatles album called With the Beatles. The CD player worked great. I lay on my bed and read Sherlock Holmes for a bit. I wasn't going to get out of here without any help.
Just as 'Please Mr. Postman' was playing and Sherlock Holmes arrived at the Baskerville castle the huge big door opened with a tremendous creak.

"Hello?" I said.
"Hello my dear friend!" Someone said in an American accent. "I see you are awake! That is very good." Only now did I see a man with two other armed men behind him.
"Now," he began "you probably want to know why we took you here."
"Yes," I said, imitating his voice. "I probably do."
"Now then, calm down and all your questions will be answered in no time."
I didn't interrupt. He took a chair from the table and put it near my bed and I sat up. The men stayed near the door.
"First of all, I just want you to know that your father is all right and has left for the Falklands with his crew. We told him that you got a job opportunity worth a billion pounds in London. He understood."
I felt the blood pulsing in my head. The anger was really immense . "Seriously?" I managed not to yell.
"Yeah. Anyway, we, the MI6-"
"The MI6?!" I said, alarmed.  "What's with the accent?
"Well, it was an opportunity. The U.S. get boring you know." He answered.
"All your questions will be answered if you just let me finish!"
"Okay. Fine."
"So, we needed someone young, cunning, fast, strong and clever as our new double-o agent." The man that hadn't even introduced himself said.
"And you chose me."
A gazillion thoughts and questions came to my mind. I tried to say calm.
"Okay, so firstly, I may be young, but I'm neither fast, cunning, strong or clever. Definitely not enough to be an double-o. So... Isn't there like a ten million people in the whole of England more suitable for this job?" I'm seriously not a James Bond type!" I said.
"No," he answered "not ten million, but seven. That's why your the 008."
"Is this a joke?" I asked.
"No mate. If you have no objections, you are now officially a British secret agent."
"And by the way, I'm Jack." He said, holding out his hand. I shook it.
"This is Henry," Jack said, pointing at the man on his right, "And this is Jase." He said, pointing at the man on the other side.
They both have me a sort of 'Hey' look.
"That settled, I have a few questions," I began. "Firstly, why the hell did you guys pick me? I mean, out of all people.."
"Well, first of all you have your father in the war. That's ideal for the job we need you to do. You'll see what it is later." Jack answered. I didn't understand why it was 'ideal', but before I could say anything Jack continued speaking.
"We also saw that you can keep a cold head in times most people would panic," Jack said. "You also completely outflanked your father in chess, we are also of the opinion that with a bit of training you'll be able to easily put up some muscle, and the cunning part will taken care of." Jack finished. "Oh, and there's one more thing. Would you think of your self as 'loyal to the nation'?" Jack said.
"Well,"I hesitated with the answer. "I'm definitely not exactly a fan of Ms. Margaret Thatcher. But otherwise I guess I can say I am." I finished.
"Good." Jack replied. "Very good."
"Oh and one more question," I said. "Why did you need to paralyse me and put me in this cage for five days?"
"Oh, it wasn't really quite keeping you in, rather keeping other people out. You wouldn't believe what an interest the Argentinian secret service have in you. Oh and the paralysing, we were afraid that you might not exactly agree with coming with us before you say bye to your dad. And we need you now." Jack answered.
Again, I couldn't believe I could stop myself from hitting that person. My dad might actually die in that war. And they just stopped me from seeing him for possibly the last time.
"And I suppose you don't know why he wanted me to go JLA?" I asked.
"Did he? Well, our intelligence didn't register that. Probably nothing important." Jack answered.

They asked me if I wanted to stay somewhere else and that tomorrow I was going to meet with the other recruits.
I decided I'd spend the night here. The Americans where OK with that and left.
I collapsed onto my bed. Felling's of anger, fear, curiosity flooded my head. I wasn't sure what to think.
I decided to leave it for tomorrow and got to sleep. Although it was only six-o'clock and I had just woken up from coma a few hours ago I was really tired. I closed my eyes, thinking about tomorrow and what an absurd set of circumstances led me here.

Finally publishing another chapter, sorry for the delay but I've been doing different stuff lately. Sorry bout that. I'm going to start another story in Czech soon, so stay tuned up for that. Hope you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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