[Les Twins FanFic] Little Secrets

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[11pm Near Midnight, Larry stood outside in the front lawn blankly staring up at the sky in deep thought]

~I found out something yesterday, well...I always knew but I never thought...I I still dont believe it..Never thought this would happen , Never to me~~~

"Larry!! Larry?!"

"Ahh Man what are you doing?"

"...Nothing I just was doing a little thinking"

"Well come inside! You need to get to know your son before he's an adult you know"

"Haha Yeah , I'll be in in a second all this is over whelming"

"Ahh Man I bet, Dont take too long though :) & Congrats Brother"

"Thanks Brother"

[16 Months Earlier]

Céline: Doesnt it feel good to have our own place now baby?

Larry: Hell yeah, ;) I can finally be alone with you~

Céline: haha Stop it now..We have alot of boxes to go through!

Larry: Yahh , Shit

Céline: awe haha, Lets make a deal?

Larry: Oh god...Okay

Céline: hmm, If you can get the bigger boxes cleared & some Furniture down before night ..Then we can get started in the Bedroom ;)

Larry: All myself?!

Céline: Mhm

Larry: -sigh- By time I finish I'll be way too tired to--

*Knock Knock Knock!*

Larry: Expecting someone?

Céline: Non

[Céline makes her way to the front door with a puzzled look on her face then slowly opens it]

Céline: -sigh- Shit~

[Les Twins FanFic] Little SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now