Chapter 1

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I seem to always find myself in this hole. This hole that I can never get out of ,Like this is just the life I'm stuck with . Somehow I'm starting to be Okay with that.

"Mommy !" That angelic Voice I've grown to love spoke to me . I crotched down as she ran embracing me with a hug . My head boomed from zanz but i kept a sane state of mind for baby girl.
"Awh There goes that princess how was your visit to uncle Aug's?"I spoke with a half smile to not show any blood in my mouth. Lets just say .. Being a stripper isn't that easy. Females hate you if you make more money then them. Hate you just cause you are you hell .
While My three year old daughter spoke about her time with August I simply smiled taking a glance up at him . Rising to my feet i picked her up moving my hair back staring him down shyly ." Thank You for watching her last Moment my babysitter got sick & I just-"
"Ay It's Fine nah baby don't sweat it."His thick accent broke through swiftly as he spoke. " Charm go get Ya toys up and grab Ya' bag baby girl so you can go." Charm nodded sliding out my arms rushing back inside. August body Swiftly moved gesturing me to come in . I nodded walking in standing by the door .

His Stare seemed to break my body down like as if he was starring into my soul. His Look seemed unable to figure out. August reached for my face as i turned my head until he forcefully cupped my chin making me face him. His eyes examined mine as his cup on my chin became stronger until he noticed the blood dripping out my fish face lips.

"Fuck Shai! You can't keep in this nah ! Look at this shit!"He exclaimed, walking off to get cleaning supplies.
I simply loathed behind his steps as they trailed to the bathroom.

" August you know how shit gets out there . I can't just quit my baby got to eat." I spoke entering the bathroom. August did not speak for awhile as he rinsed a towel in the water squeezing a lemon over the towel .
As He cleansed my mouth he spoke. " You know I always respected a bitch grind. You gotta get it out the gutta' before you make big time. But baybeh' Sometimes you gotta find anotha' way.  This time it's ya mouth next it might be a rib. "

I simply nodded trying to take his words in . It was hard being It ain't much i could do without a futher education. I need my money now not no nine to five & wait two weeks or a month for a check. I don't have much family .. I speak too anyway. No friends besides August.

" I know August but you on me like you not in the finesse game. "

" I ain't got no other way to get it baybeh' but you?, You can get it any way you want .. Wait that sounded on some freaky shit .. I mean it can be if you tryna-"

His laughed echoed the room as I got up punching his arm . " You a fucking dick head man ." I lightly giggled along .
"You love me . But babybeh ' you know what I mean . You got the potential to be out there grinding and richer then any bitch on Tv. You know that ."

"It's Just .. Baby girl gotta eat now . Not no tomorrow or next week. "

" That's why you work and save so Baby girl can eat for a lifetime ." August looked at me seriously before walking out the bathroom while i trailed behind . I lightly admired his tall frame . Not realizing until now his upper body was bare .

I've been knowing August since I was about seventeen . We met in a shelter in New Orleans. He was eighteen & would sometimes live out his car. I had just had my baby girl with no place to go.

(Three years ago)
The rain poured down my face as I tried My best to cover her. I was running as fast as i could hoping I didn't miss the deadline , praying, I could get in . My feet splashing the soaked ground as my daughter's screaming pierced my ears .

Few more steps .
Almost there .
Please don't let me be late.
I quickly run as the door slowly starts to close . " WAIT ! PLEASE." I plead ,banging on the door for at least ten minutes before a man opens it .

" Theres no more room miss."
" Please M-my Daughter is cold , Please . "
"I'm sorry it just isn't-"
"please." My eyes screamed help. His gaze stared at mine for awhile before opening the door , Leading me to the back rooms .
"It isn't much back here . All the beds as you see are taken but you can try to get a place on the floor ."
I thanked him as he simply nodded waving me off walking else where . My daughter's cries calmed as i rocked her walking the long hall of beds. The lights were still on as everyone prepared for bed .

I walked to the end & crouched in a corner holding my daughter close rocking her trying to relax .
"Shh . It's okay mommy got you babygirl. " I slowly removed the cover from her face fixing her beanie on her head . She slowly looked at me with a light smile , yawning before closing her eyes again . I did too.
" Miss."
"Excuse me miss."
I felt a light shake to my shoulder startling me , hugger my Daughter closer. I rubbed my eyes before glancing up at the man's gaze .

He had some tattoos with a light mustache. He couldn't be much older then myself.
" Oh I'm sorry am i blocking something I'll get- "
His light chuckle , he shook his head .
" No. I want you to have my bed. You shouldn't be sleeping on the floor with a child . " My eyes bulked as i shook my head no.

"I-i couldn't you waited and - "

" I want you too come on nah '. " He spoke helping me up, looking down at my daughter.

" Congratulations. "
" Thank you ."
He smiled as he lead me to his saved bed.
"It isn't much but it should keep you warm . I have a cover i'll just take the floor tonight."
I squinted my eyes at him for awhile before i spoke.
" What is your name?"
" August. Yours? "
"Graceful. Call me Shai ."
His pearly whites appeared through his lips .
" Nice to meet you shai. "
We been close ever since that day. We grinded together so much & even moved out of new orleans to California. He been my best friend ever since but sometimes.. I feel something closer then that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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