Apple Of My Eye (2)

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.-. I wrote the whole chapter and then OH GUESS WHAT! MY INTERNET EXPLORER EFFING FAILED! GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! YAY! FANTASTIC! I AM SO PISSED RIGHTNOW. ALLCAPSRAGE. I've been writing since 10AM! FIVE HOURS! From now on I'm writing it all in notepad first D:< I am just so pissed. I wasted half of my day. Whatever. Here we go. Thanks to this *DELAY* You'll have to endure the 'shorter' version of my 6 part chapter. I'm gonna summarize basically what had happened in my old chapter.

---Chapter 2---

Desseray's POV

Earlier I had texted Ashton, asking him if we were 'together'. Before we got to history, he had answered 'Yes. I guess ^^;' History was half way through now. We  were sitting next to each other. We had a new teacher at the school. She was a tall, skinny, young woman with blonde hair. Her name was Mrs. McKay.

  Ashton looked over at me and smiled. I knew he was going to do something bad. He raised his hand. The teacher pushed his hand down "Yes, Ashton?" She said. "Why are we learning history?" He asked. She raised her eyebrow. "So you can be smart." "But all the people... They're all dead. Why do we need to know about them?" He mocked. Everyone began to laugh as he stood up and puffed his chest out. She looked very fed up. "Go to the Principle's Office. Now." She commanded him.

He was about to turn and leave until I stood up. I walked up and grabbed a ruler from her desk and slapped it as hard as I could onto mine. It startled half of the class. "He was asking a question. Freedom of speech. You're a teacher. You're supposed to teach that." I retorted for Ashton. I smiled slyly. She started at me menacingly. "That doesn't count." "Yes it does!" "Nu-uh" She yelled. I practically laughed my ass off. "Now you're being just CHILDISH!" I said, continuing to laugh. She looked like she was about to kill us. She snatched the ruler out of my hand and yelled at the top of her lungs. "PRINCIPLE OFFICE.... NOW! BOTH OF YOU!" I stood beside Ash and hi-fived him. We walked out.

The minute we got out I frowned. "I can't get in trouble on the first day!" I mumbled. He sighed. "Ne either. But I've got an idea where we can go instead of... You know... The office." He whispered and smiled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me through a couple of hallways. He led me to a door. He opened it and pushed me in. It was the school's storage. It's were they kept what they didin't need anymore. On the ground there was a soft carpet splayed across. I lied down on it. Suddenly, the door closed. It took me a while to catch my breath. It became pitch-black.

I felt something warm and soft press against my neck. I stopped breathing. I had no idea what it was and I didn't think I wanted to find out. "Ash?" I whispered desperately. I heard "Yes?" coming from right beside me and the warm object move on my neck. Then I noticed they were Ashton's lips. My heart melted. I smiled. "I just wanted to know if you were still here, or if you locked me out." I admitted. I could feel him smile too. He moved his lips off my neck. He wrapped his arms around me. He sat me up. Ash grabbed my chin. "I just want to try someth--" He cut himself off and pulled me close then kissed me. I felt a rumble in my chest. I hung my arms around his neck. I closed my eyes and stop breating for the one minute he kissed me. The one minute that felt like lifetime. A lifetime of happiness.

He let go of me and moved his head away. I began to pant. I smiled. "I love you Ash--" I began. I heard footsteps nearing the storage. He stood up and pulled me quickly towards the lockers that we used to have at the school. They were two times larger than our current lockers so we would easily both fit in one. We slid into a locker and we both stopped breathing. The door opened. I looked through the slits at the top of the locker door. The janitor neared the lockers but instead of doing anything with the locker, he grabbed a desk and dragged it out. He closed the door.

I opened the locker door and fell to my knees. I began to breathe again. "That was too close." Ashton hissed. The bell rang for 2nd period. We both ran out and into the main hallway. "I have math." I pouted. "Science" He sighed. "Text me later~!" I said and ran off to my class.


Ashton's POV


The bell rang for the end of the day. I walked out of French class and to my locker. I just remembered what Desseray had said. 'Text me later~!' Her velvet smooth voice still told me in my head. I wouldn't yet though. I grabbed my backpack, adjusted my hat and walked outside. I sat on the steps and waited for her to come out. Soon enough, she walked out of the school with Tracy and Izzy. I wanted to make sure she didn't see me.

I pulled out my phone and texted her 'Here you go! :3' She answered; 'Where are you?' I laughed quietly and began to follow them. I texted her back 'Look behind you.' She turned her head and spotted me right away. She ran towards me and leaped into my open arms. I swung her around. It was amazing how 'close' we were now. Probably because we've liked each other for a long while now and even though it was the first day we had been actually a couple. She smiled.

"You think you could come over?" She asked me, confidently. I thought for a minute. My parents were still in Florida for some court thing so I'm sure it didn't matter if I went. They would be coming back in 2 weeks anyways. I'm not sure it even mattered where I went during the time they were gone. "Yeah. My parents wont be home until the 18th." I said happily. Her smile grew wider. "My mom might be hesitant at first but I can convince her to let you stay over.

She led me to a large complex. The houses went up to 99, which meant it homed over 99 people in just one complex. I had been here before. The complex has a park at the back that me and my friends would always hang out at. But I haven't been here since the renovations were done. She brought me to house number 52. In front was a tree-like plant with large yellow flowers drooping from it. I went to go touch it. She slapped my hand. "Do not touch. Poisonous." She said as she searched for her key.

She finally pulled it out and unlocked the door. "I'm home!" She yelled. Her mom yelled "How was school?" back. I took my shoes off just as Des took hers off. "Good! My boyfriend Ashton is here. Can he stay over?" She said smirking as she pushed me into the living-room. I shook hands with her mom. "Hello~! You're Ashton Rivers, I assume. I've heard alot about you!" She laughed. Dessi grunted. "Mom!" "Truth, dear. Nothing but the truth." She said to Dess. She looked back at me. "I'm Prissilia. But just call me Prissy. You seem like a nice boy. You can stay. But don't try anything with her. I don't need to do the talk, do I?" Her mom laughed. I blushed. "Ok mom, we're going now. Bye." Desseray quickly said as she brought me up the stairs.

Is she bringing me to her room?I asked myself in my head. I was right. She opened her door. Half her room was red and the other half was orange but there was one white wall. Band posters were all over. I recognized almost all of them. Her room was clean. Her window was open and sun was bursting inside. On her big bed, her covers were all messy. They were white and they looked soft and something that would keep you cool if you were sleeping under them.  On the other end of her bed she had a stuffed Gir, a stuffed cat and well...Her actual cat. Her cat was just a kitten. It was really adorable. It was a Bengal kitten with clouded leopard markings. I could tell. I picked up her cat. It mewed in the cutest little voice. Desseray looked over at me and smiled. She kissed my cheek. "Her name is Brandy." She said. Exactly when she said Brandy, the kitten went "Mew~!" As if she was saying "Yes, you called?" I laughed. "She so cute. Just like you" Desseray blushed at my compliment. I smiled and kissed her.

[End Of Chapter]

FINALLY  DONE THE CHAPTER! Jeez. But my old one was so much better. Too bad I had to redo it D:

So yeah~! Feedback, Comments, Votes, Anything :3

Suggest me what the two should look like! They are both kinda... emoish :3

I'm abusing the word again x3

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