Chapter Sixteen

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A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Sixteen. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

Well, Mr Lewis called my Dad and then called Nathan's Dad, but the both of them said that they will come into school and talk to Mr Lewis in person as it is easier to explain face-to-face rather than over the phone. Nathan and I were in Mr Lewis' office when our Dads came – it was like some weird parent-teacher conference, Nathan and I were in the middle of our Dads whilst Mr Lewis sat opposite us all behind his desk. Nathan's Dad had brought the contract with him; the contract basically states that it was our parents that instigated this and that neither of us had any idea about Nathan being my teacher when the two of us decided to start a relationship.

Today should be a good day, it is a school day but today my whole IT class is going on a reward trip of sorts. It has been planned since before the summer holidays, all of our class got top marks in our controlled assessment so our teacher decided to send us on a trip for the whole day. Our class is the top in the year which is why we did so well, plus as Aleia and Kyle are in my class we are always working together. Our teacher calls us the Three Musketeers because we refuse to be separated from each other, it is quite entertaining actually.

The trip is to the sea life centre but it is an absolutely massive one so it will probably take us a few hours to go around it all. It wouldn't surprise me if some of my class got lost, we might be intelligent but that doesn't mean we all have exemplary senses of direction. Last I knew, our teacher was trying to find another teacher that is free to accompany us on the trip. Even though we are basically college students and we can be trusted, it's a rule that there must be at least 2 members of staff or faculty on any school trip.

When I wake up, Nathan is sat up and bed so I move to sit in between his legs. I feel Nathan kissing my neck lightly and I smile "Good Morning Sweetie" he says resting his head on my shoulder "Good Morning" I say turning around and he kisses me sweetly "I got an email this morning" he says and I poke him in the chest so that he will continue talking "It was from a Mr Carlson" he says and I nod "My IT teacher, Luke" I explain and Nathan smiles "He's only like 3 or 4 years older than you, he's one of the young crew of teachers at school" I say and Nathan chuckles "Anyway, he asked me to come with your class on the trip today. I just spoke to Mr Lewis and he said that he will arrange cover for my classes again so that I can go" Nathan explains.

Nathan's phone starts ringing so I decide to go for a shower. I have a relatively quick shower and when I walk back into the bedroom, Nathan is just getting out of bed "You going for a shower now?" I ask and he nods "That I am" he says kissing me before he disappears into the bathroom. I decide to blow dry my hair as it won't have time to dry naturally, afterwards I get changed into black skinny jeans that have rips everywhere, a white t-shirt with thin black horizontal stripes, classic timberland boots, a matching coloured heavy knit cardigan and a black bowler hat with little cat ears.

After Nathan is changed, he sits down on the bed which is a little weird. He motions for me to come over and sit next to him "What's up?" I ask as he looks a little shaken "Did I ever tell you about that girlfriend I had, when I was around your age?" he asks and I nod "Yeah, what about her?" I ask and he sighs "She's back in town and she wants to see me. I don't know how she got my number again" he says and I shrug "I'm not the jealous type Nate, as long as you don't cheat on me, you can meet up with her whenever you like. Just don't forget about me back here" I say and he smiles.

His phone goes off again and he groans "Is it her?" I ask and he nods throwing his phone down on the bed "It worries me; she was your only serious girlfriend Nathan. We are only together because our parents wanted us to be, what if our parents hadn't wanted this. You would still be with her and I would be in the horrible place that I was before" I say and my breath hitches as I talk "Sweetie, I haven't spoken to her in over a year. I don't know if I want to even see her yet, it isn't like I am going to get feelings for her again but I would want to be friends with her" he says and I sigh "I know I said I wasn't the jealous type, but the idea of you being friends with your ex is basically like poison in my mind right now" I admit to Nathan and he pulls me into him.

He sighs and then presses a kiss to the top of my head; I took my hat off when I sat down. I wrap my arm around his waist as he pulls me closer "I love you so damn much Hannah, it's killing me" he says and I gasp a little, he has never said that before "I love you too Nate" I say and he puts his hand under my chin to lift my head up "No woman will ever be able to compare to you" he says, his voice no more than a whisper but before I can answer him, he pulls me into the most passionate kiss ever.

I don't want to get hurt.


That was Chapter Sixteen, hope you liked it and sorry it is a day late.

Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter........

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