A Book For International Lovers; Chapter One: A Thousand February Moons

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  • Dedicated to Carmine Alvarez

                       Today was an ordinary day, rain racing across the window like a bird fleeing from a predator. With my book in my hand and my glasses barely on the bridge of my nose, I flipped the page. My heart was racing splendidly when I read over the climax.

                      With the cloak she unwrapped around the fresh corpse and the dagger in her left hand, she walked away. This was a perfect, bloodless crime. There was no reason to be afraid of getting caught or finding any horrible surprises. She grinned with such evil that could burn a thousand homes down. She is a horrible person. The exact definition.

                      Usually, I don't like books that are about murder and horror, but this book was filled with so much suspense and mystery that I couldn't put it down. In an hours time I would be able to finish the book satisfyingly and go to my cold and uncomfortable bed. The next day I would return it and go on a search for another book. That's what my summer was made up of - books and stern looks from my lifeless parents. I always have this itching feeling that if I poked them, they would snap or bite me like a rabid dog. I was starting to get bored of this life, but what could I do? Everything..was boring. Suddenly My cellphone rang and I struggled to answer it.

"m-moshi-moshi?" I mumbled.

"......." Nothing.

"Moshi-moshi???" I yelled.

                        Yet again, there was nothing. It felt weird to get a call like this.

"huh....must be a wrong number...."

                        I was delighted at the thought of a guy getting the wrong number from a girl across from the bar. Hahn. He must be heart broken. I suddenly felt fatigued and put down my book before I went into the bathroom and washed my face with an old-fashioned bar of honey soap. The doorbell rang and I raced to the door to answer it, getting the same feeling I got when I tried to answer the cellphone. A mysterious old man appeared by the door with a colorful box in his hands.

" A package for Ms. Hanneworts" He stated in a boistrous voice.

" ah..that's me.. where do I sign?"

" No need to sign mam, this was delivered privately by his highness's butler" He proudly said.

"oh..okay. Thank you"

                           I grabbed the package after thanking him repeatedly and closed the door. A red envelope was on top of the box, detailed with gold. I opened it with caution. A dove burst out of the box, angrily pecking at the window. I opened the window for the beautiful mourning dove and watched it flutter about. The envelope suddenly look even more appealing to me- and dangerous. My hand nimbly and quickly ripped open the envelope to reveal a plain white letter. I looked at it for a while, confused and a bit frustrated. As soon as I looked away, I saw the letters. I looked back at it while my heart fluttered like that dove.

"Kono yōna shizukana, utsukushii omoide Sorera wa ushinawa rete iru baai Watashi wa kanashimi ni nokosa rerudarou Tashika ni kono kizu wa kiete shimaimasu Itsuka egao-ji"  it said, the cursive being delicate and fragile. I looked at the bottom, wanting a signature or something.

 Instead, it only said "DIE" in bold red letters. Shock overcame me- who would say something so vulgar to a total stranger? Unless it wasn't a total stranger? No....it couldn't have been the guy I met in France. That's when I noticed a light feeling in my body, total silence around me, and a strange darkness leeching out from all the corners.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2011 ⏰

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