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I wanna give you a good morning kiss at 9 am while you're still sleepy.

It was Saturday morning when the alarm woke Camila up. She let out a loud groan and internally cursed herself immediately for doing so.

She looked at the brunette near her who was still in a deep sleep and smiled to herself.

There was something special about watching Lauren sleep, usually the older one was never at peace when she was awake. She could never just sit down and relax, no. Lauren was always doing something and in moments like this Camila loved getting up before her.

She could just watch her girlfriend sleep in peace.

Suddenly Camila remember she promised Dinah to help her with gift shopping so she quickly got into her black jeans and one of Lauren's sweater which became hers after the first time she took it from Lauren's closet. Then, she goes to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth.

Camila took another look at the clock behind her and saw it's almost 9 am. She took her bag from the chair and leaned over the bed.

"Where are you going?" Lauren's voice broke the silence that was in the room

"Shopping with Dinah, I told you yesterday, don't you remember?"

Lauren mumbled something Camila couldn't really understand.


"I said, kiss me before you leave."

"You didn't brush your teeth yet."

"I want my kissy." Lauren protested and made puppy face

"Fine."Camila groaned and pressed her lips onto Lauren's

When Lauren tried to deepen the kiss Camila pulled away.

"Just one more, please?" Lauren asked

Camila took a moment to think about it before planting a few kisses all over Lauren's face, the last one being on her lips.


And I wanna kiss you at 1pm on Sunday when we are cuddling on our bed.

They were lying in Camila's old bedroom, If I stay was playing on the TV and Sofi was sitting on the floor.

Camila loved moments like this, she loved spending time with her family and she loved how they accepted her and Lauren's relationship.

Although both Cabello sisters were paying their full attention to the movie in front of them Lauren was bored of it, it was probably the 10th time Camila made her watch this movie. She even knew every line by her heart.

Instead, the oldest Latina was mindlessly playing with Camila's hair, every once in a while kissing her check or the top of her head.

The movie finished and Sofi left the room, saying she has to study for tomorrow's math test (both Camila and Lauren knew there was no math exam and that Sofi just wanted to give them some privacy).

"Hi." Camila turned around to face Lauren

"Hello beautiful." Lauren replied and smiled at the younger girl

"We've been dating for so long and you still manage to make me blush. By doing nothing special."

Lauren laughed at her and pulled the younger one closer to her. Camila then nuzzled her head in the crook of Lauren's neck and wrapped her arm around Lauren's torso.

I made a poem out of you (Camren One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now