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Woaw what a thing I'm using A/N. Anyways this is not edited, I'm going to do it. I really hope you're going to enjoy this story. It's very slow but don't worry, we all know what's the endgame.


She was using my bed as it was hers, spreading her body without any shame, her long and bright hair were almost touching the ground like it was reaching for it. Eyes semi closed, she wasn't sleeping, she was just enjoying the moment, the instant, life in general. Her small smile on her lips made me comfortable, and just her being here made me comfortable, I was more used of her than with some of my siblings after all these years. Her perfume was smelling something fresh, like pineapples and oranges and also summer, but that was still a mix between what she really smell and the perfume she was wearing on her skin and body. She was singing, or more murmuring along to this song she said she loved, but in a way everything who goes on the radio is her favourite.

Mandy was, still is, and it probably won't change, my best friend. I met her a long time ago in the dark corner of the animal park, where snakes and other reptilians hang out in peace when kids don't bother them when they put they hands on the windows, or just simply scream. She was this really annoying girl who had a strong character and never listened to her single mother, even at the age of five. Nothing could scare her and a snake was like a piece of cake to her: not a dare but she took it as a gift, while the (oh god forbid me, I hate this word) normal child was afraid of it and asks his parents to go home. Not her, she was there trying to contact the snake with the only help of her mind.

Of course it didn't work, but I can now make fun of her because of it. She always responds with a sassy comment that I do it too with every dog I meet, but I just laugh it of because winning with her is not possible. That girl is full of sass and always answers to an attack.

Back to the story with the snake. She was there and I was too, but with a small difference: I was shitting in my pants.

My mom thought it was a great idea to see the snakes, well apparently no. Nope nope nope and nope. Four year old Troye hated it and I'm sure sixteen year old Troye would still be scared as fuck. So I was just holding my dad's pants, not wanting to let go because I was afraid that the dragons will eat me, daddy please can we go? Then I saw her. Her hands were firmly on the window and you could see her all red because thinking was apparently not a easy thing. I instantly had this admiration for her, this feeling that was dangerously close to envy, who warmed up my chest. This is no close to love, and to be quiet honest I have no idea what is close to love, but it really wasn't. It was almost stronger... Or maybe it seemed like it because I was a tiny child and everytime I got an emotion it took a fucking big importance, but it felt really strong.

I knew when I saw her that if I wanted to have fun in my life, I had to go with her. Follow her traces because a dragon trainer is the person to live with if you want adventures.

So I fucking did it. And here I am, watching her smoking in my room.

When people talked about Troye Sivan, they said that I was a shy boy, that I wasn't talking, they never knew why Mandy was hanging with me with all of her... Attitudes. They said I had a face, and a jawline for days, and that was the reason why.

They're all wrong and very wrong. Mandy couldn't care less of my looks. Well, not exactly, she was always making me prettier because I have to follow her aesthetic, but she doesn't look at my face like other girls do. She doesn't undress me with her eyes like the others do, she doesn't take me as just a pretty face on a skinny body, she doesn't try to flirt with me. She's gay.

And mostly my best friend.

I'm her shadow. I'm the a little bit attractive boy walking by the model's side to attract attention. People think I don't have anything to say because I'm dumb. My notes say the same, but that's mostly because I'm lazy and never do homework. People say I don't have a personality, which is actually not very true...

But not very false at the same time. Even if you decide to put a mask for people, so they don't know who you really are, you don't especially end up being the mask. Well, at least, I didn't. But when everyone thinks you're dumb, go and try to tell them that you're actually smart and have a lot of things you can discuss on. It's not that easy.

But I have Mandy and I couldn't care less about the others. The music on the radio changed at the moment, stopping my thoughts immediately. "This was Adele, with her Hello who is turning the world upside down, but you guys already know that! Okay, to the next song, and then we'll be back at six to give you the news." A tune started, hands clapping with a guitar playing and a voice singing alone. I facepalmed myself, because I recognised the song and I knew what Mandy was going to ask me.

I saw her awaken from her state of a vegetable, smile growing as her eyes searched mine. She put her back on the wall, now sitting on the bed, while she said: " Troooooye, give me the guitar." I looked at her, pouting. She still has her cigarette in her hand, and I looked at it, and she remembered it at that time. She opened the window and threw it in my neighbor's front garden.

I took my guitar and gave it to her. "I'm not gonna sing for you, you know that?" Her smile was even bigger when she replied: " You only sing for me, of course you're going to do it. " I said nothing, because I was sure I already lost this battle. I put myself next to her on the bed as she started playing with the strings of my guitar. I turned off the radio, because the song was now almost over and we were only about to start it.

The melody she played was this familiar tune we do when we're just the two of us. I waited, not wanting to sing the whole song, for the chorus. She sang the rest of the song for me. Then I came in and I made Mandy happy.

"You and me got a whole lot of history,
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen!
You and me got a whole lot of history
So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever!"

She laughed, not at me but with me. She loved it when I was singing. She always says I have a pretty voice, I'm never sure about it. When she dropped my guitar, I took her in a hug.

I can be her shadow, I don't really care. I just want to have fun.

BRIGHT ;; troylerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin