Chapter 3 - Complacency

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To say it isn't the grand escape that you'd pictured is the understatement of the century.

Not only did Brian not release you but he followed you like a shadow, whether physically or with those dark eyes of his. There was nothing you could say to get him to relax, nothing you could do to make him trust you. It had been a few days into your contemporary 'house arrest' and you know he's taken all the liberties he possibly could. Windows locked (and with a tap to them when he'd excused himself to the bathroom, you discover they're double-glazed), doors bolted shut. You'd come into the kitchen with him, feigning a pitiful nudge for attention against his arm with your head (considering your wrists were still bound), and stolen a quick glance in the cutlery drawer; knives appeared to have been moved, hidden even, and he certainly hadn't been careless in their placement.

On the occasions he'd let you shower, you found nothing of use, the house seeming devoid of razors and clippers and scissors- essentials you had been counting on. You had definitely underestimated him. Definitely. It stands to reason that you have to think outside the box, that you have to push yourself to think of something so crazy it works - and with the plan to seduce him into giving you more freedom tantalising on the brain, there is only so much progress you can make per day. Getting him to trust you has proven fruitless so far, the man not letting you out of his sight.

Currently, you're sitting on the couch with him, the TV blaring in the background. You're not listening - you never do. You've noticed that he tends to avoid the news channels. Perhaps he's afraid of exposure? Maybe there's somebody looking for you? Hell, what are the chances that there is a big band of people searching for you? You'd be lucky to have a few friends who had refused to give up hope.

Deciding to attempt something - because really, sitting there so close to him and doing nothing to make sure you don't wind up like this in the future is making you feel queasy - you shift in closer, evident caution in your actions as you rest your head against his shoulder. His dark eyes slowly shift from the television to glance at you, fear instilled in you the moment he does. He's so intense, so incredibly threatening, and you know what those hands are capable of. As an arm slowly moves to wrap around your shoulders, guiding you against him, the thought lingers in your head:

He could kill me. He could murder me. He could kill me. He could murder me.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours...?" he murmurs, hand reaching for the remote as he mutes the program and adjusts his body so that he's facing your general direction, pulling you to lay against his front. The warmth you could bask in had you not known any better.

"...nothing," you whisper, averting your gaze to his chest. You have to lie. You have to lie well. "...I'm just so glad I'm with you."

Q exhales in a way that implies you're being petulant. "I hope getting away isn't on your mind." He chuckles darkly, a hand coming to rest on the back of your head, fingers curling in your hair and lightly pulling it. A shuddery breath passes your lips, eyes slipping closed as you attempt to rectify your resolve; it's not all an act. You're genuinely afraid of him, as much as you try to convince yourself that you're not. "I don't wanna have to put you back down there. I like spending the days with you."

Bound wrists rest against his chest, the thump of his heartbeat echoing in your ears as the sound drums through every fibre of your being. Strange, considering you didn't believe he had one. To be able to keep somebody against their will, to be able to hurt them like he's hurt you... it takes something twisted, and evil, and sick to be able to do it, and you're of the firm belief that his behaviour is the defining line between human and monster. Had that been the end of it, you'd probably have come to accept it, as sad as it was to admit. But because Brian flits so effortlessly between the two, sometimes so rough you swear he'll kill you while other times, like now, he's so soft you could really fall for it, you're constantly left in the wake of his unpredictability.

"Please don't put me back down there..." The words have escaped your lips before you realise you've said anything and the distinct rumble in his chest alerts you that you've amused him.

"Behave yourself for me and I won't," Brian replies fluidly, taking to petting you much like a cat. Speaking of which, you're glad those things aren't here either; perhaps moulded by their owner, they're nothing but vicious to one another and when they fight you're fearing for their lives. The only person they seem to respond positively to is Q himself, as if his charismatic charm you had fallen for extends to the felines too.

Mustering up courage, you pick up your head and wriggle up his body - earning a grunt from him - until you can reach his mouth with your own. He pulls back, shaking his head.


"Why not, Brian...?" You force yourself to sound upset, though you couldn't be more relieved. The man closes his eyes, crease in his brow putting you on edge.

"...I kiss you. Not the other way around."

Your brows arch lightly in a way you hope is convincing."Oh..."

You begin to get nervous as he stares at you for a few moments of tense silence, brow still lightly furrowed as he considers you. You're sprawled on his front, the pleasant weight of you reminding him that he'd succeeded and that, though you're most likely trying to play him right now, he is getting to feel you. The thought of you becoming tame (because it's not uncommon for him to compare you to one of his cats, once feral, that had eventually calmed down when in his care) turns him on more than anything.

The thought of him being able to untie you and you choosing to stay with him despite the opportunity to attempt to get away has him all but squirming in his seat. He's got to stop- he's got a long way to go. You're smart and tricky, unlike other people, and you have his attention in such a way because of these traits. Your intelligence makes him wary of you, always has, but he enjoys a challenge.

"Hey," Brian muses, voice seeming distant as he picks up your head with his finger and raises an eyebrow at you. Without another word, the man leans in and brushes his lips against yours. Shudders of both anticipation and revulsion are given off of your body and you have no choice but to kiss him back. He pulls back after a moment, surveys the 'dazed' expression on your face. "I never said I wouldn't kiss you."

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