Chapter 1

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Golden flecks of sunlight burnt my shoulders. It would be a miracle if there was no red, stinging patch there the next day.

I was drenched in sweat. I stunk too. I underestimated the power this weather has on body odour. I really should have brought deodorant. The new one, the one my mum awkwardly gave me, was very strong and made me dizzy. While clearing away any unpleasant smells, it brought an aroma that implied I had drizzled baby powder down my armpits.

I was begging to feel self-conscious, like when you were walking around school alone, pretending you were walking to see your friends. Everyone would stare as if you were a complete loner, while they blatantly bragged about their perfect friendships, laughing to each other. That happened to me often.

Now everyone was staring out of school. I think I must have some astounding mutation on my face that only others could see, though no one has bothered to mention anything to me.

I decide that I should probably make an effort to stand out. It was a one-off, but I needed too. Otherwise how else would he see me? Thoughts bombarded my mind. Would he want to see me? I doubt anyone would want to see me. I hadn't seen him in so long. I needed desperately to tell him everything that is going on.

We used to talk all the time. Things have changed so much.

I see a happy, handsome man in his early twenties stroll towards my direction. I looked behind me, a curious expression spreading across my face. No one there. He was looking at the sign in my hands saying 'Hunter Daniels' in big pink letters, surrounded by smiley faces, love hearts and random doodles.

He pointed to it and took of his sunglasses. Behind them I saw my best friend in the world. I ran dramatically and comedically towards him, not caring about the stares - the only emotion he could draw out of me.


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