"Thalia," Artemis said. "Daughter of Zeus. Will you join the Hunt?"
"I will," I said.
Sometimes I regretted that decision. And after all these decades I still remember that moment with perfect clarity, the moment when I sealed my fate.
But in that moment, that chance to escape the prophecy was so tempting. I didn't want the prophecy to be mine. I was a coward, I took the easy way out. I accepted Atermis's offer.
And now I have to watch all of them go. Grow up and live while I remain fifteen forever. Forever stagnant, never changing.
Why hadn't I refused? So what if I had to become the one from the prophecy? It would have been better than this. Watching everyone go, knowing I wouldn't be able to join them, not for a long time.
Sure I had the Hunters, and they were my family in everything but blood. But they just weren't the same.
Percy and Annabeth had grew up, had kids. Lived. They had died protecting them. I had attended their funeral at camp, watching their shroud burn. Knowing that they would be in Elysium but that I would never be able to join them. I couldn't break my oath to Atermis. Unless I died in battle, and I doubt that wouldn't happen for a long time.
That was when it all came crashing down on me. They would all leave me eventually. But I was to be fifteen forever, stuck just a day just before sixteen.
Nico was next. Everyone thought that he would have lived longer, but even for a son of Hades, I guess Death favors no one.
It hurt to see him go. It hurt to see them all go.
The Stolls.
They had all accomplished so much in life. Were so happy. And left knowing that their job was done.
They had had their turn defeating monsters, bringing in a new generation of quarter-bloods.
When they died, they died in peace, knowing that they had done all that they could.
If I died, maybe I would go to Elysium, but a part of me would always be in the Fields of Punishment.
I guess I deserved this fate. I was the one who had backed out afterall.
I had only wanted to escape my fate. Sometimes I regret that decision.