Now were back at the fight.
Link threathend ganon and he got an arrow stuck in his forearm...-how did you do that!?
Let's just say i have a friend
-impossible i cant sense anyone else 3 miles away
-wait ive heard of this impossible maytons have been extinct millions of years(ganon Said in thought)
-if your still wondering about who shot that it was a mayton
Ganon shocked charged link but link rolled beside him and jack shot ganon with a fire arrow in ganon head
Link then out of knowere got out his megaton hammer and hit the arrow lodged in ganon skull si hard it came out the other end ...
Link thought they had won but suddenly ganon appeard in links back full health an kicked him through the wall jack witnessed it the ganon they had killed was a decoy but a strong decoy ganon was even more powerfull than the ever thought
Link was captured jack didnt know what to do... so he ran because he knew if gnon cathed him link would not surviveTo be continued...