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Sometimes life will drag you to the literal depths of hell and then just give you wings to fly back up. It sucks yeah I know I've been through it and it absolutely sucks ass. But hey in the end you get wings to fly back up. Sometimes those wings are new friends or even a book or song you never know. But I do know that if your in the depths of hell in life, don't end it wait for your wings. Trust me I know it sucks now but please wait for your wings because even if you think no one will care, I bet one person does. And that person was your wings and you didn't wait. Just think if you ever try cutting or attempt suicide that your wings are somewhere and they're thinking you're fine. And they won't know you weren't until your gone, and then they will think it's their fault. So don't let them think that and wait for your wings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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