Chapter Five: Suprise Me

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That morning Jez woke up at half six on the dot, she sat up on the bed a looked at Grimsby who was sound asleep, snoring like a hog.

She got out of her bed and jumped into the shower. After steaming away her senses, she got out the shower and got dressed. Jez opened up her box of belongings and pulled out her computer. She went to her desk and sat down.

She began looking through classified information Curtis sent her while she slept.She watched the video of her walking along Cronfield prison, her face looked so young and untroubled. Jez watched herself, she watched her younger self walk with no idea how her life was about to be radically turned upside down. A sudden burst of green light exploded around the young Jez and she vanished.

Jez continued to watch, sure enough there was another bolt of green lightening landing inside the prison. "There you go Geem." Jez sighed and shut her computer.

There were three clicks in her ear "I see you got the video." Curtis skipped the greetings "What do you think?"

"If he's alive Ordan will be with him for sure, but finding Geem won't be easy." Jez got up from her seat and headed for her bed.

"How is your leg this morning?" Curtis asked her as she on the bed next to Grimsby.

Jez lifted her trouser leg, the gash had vanished from her leg "How is that possible?" Jez stroked her leg where the cut used to be.

"My guess is Sebastian did a little more than just your usual stitch work." Curtis sounded surprised too.

"I'm hungry." Jez rolled down her trouser leg and got back off the bed, offering Grimsby one last stroke before she left her room.

"I'm gunna work on tracking down Geem." Curtis spoke as Jez walked down the grand staircase. "I'll need to concentrate so I'll leave you for the day. Just don't kill anyone."

"I'm not going to kill anyone." Jez grunted unconvincingly as she heard Zara's voice trilling from the dining room.

There were three clicks in Jez's ear as she walked into the dining room to find Lily and Zara talking quickly and excitedly.

"It's so exciting, his parties are legendary." Zara spoke animatedly to Lily waving a piece of paper in her hand, her happy face soon died at the sight of Jez entering the room.

"Who's party?" Jez asked as she went and took her seat next to Titan. Titan, Lily, Zara and Jez were the only ones present at the table.

"Ambassador Cross's party." Lily handed Jez an envelope with her name on it. "We're all invited."

"Cool." Jez took the envelope and dropped on the table. Not bothering to open it. "Why are you here?" Jez stared at Zara.

"I happen to be friends with everyone in this house." Zara glared daggers at Jez "Also, in case you hadn't noticed, I happen to be especially close to Sebastian."

Jez snorted, she picked up an apple from the middle of the table and bit into it.

"If you don't believe me then ask him." Zara thumped her fist on the table.

"I hardly care enough about your relationship with him to ask." Jez gnawed at the apple, not caring she was eating like rabid dog.

"You care." Leo entered the room.

"Who lets you people in?" Jez finished with her apple and sat back in her chair.

"No one, I come here all the time." Leo winked at Zara as he sat in an empty seat.

"I'm gunna go to school." Jez got up from the table, to tired to even try being civilized.

"Oh, we'll walk with you." Lily got up but Jez put up her hand in protest.

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