When you first meet

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You walk into the BAU enterance. Why are you here exactly? Your here to get some information on how your neighbors died by a robbery that is still taking place in a few different areas. As you were walking to an officers room named 'Emily Prentiss' you accidentally bump into a tall dark brown haired man.

"Oops, sorry" You say sheepishly.

"Oh know, thats okay. I should have been watching where I was going" The man says and looks up and you can actually see his face. Wow, he isn't that bad looking, and he looks pretty nice.

"Not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?" The man says and you chuckle.

"I'm just here to get some information on my recently deceased neighbors, and why it keeps happening around town" I say and he nods.

"Well, I can give you some information about that, so why don't you follow me..." He says.

"(Y/N)" You say.

"Well, nice to meet you (Y/N). My name is Aaron. Aaron Hotchner" The man says and you shake hands.

"Nice to meet you" You say with a slight blush.

"Please, follow" He says and leads you into another room.

You are in your friends house, helping her/him pack to move. You feel this funny feeling, like something bad is going to happen. But you think its probably because your sad that (Y/F/N) is leaving.

"(Y/F/N)? Where is y-" You start to ask her/him but get cut off by a bomb exploding. You are quickly taken back and fall on the floor. You squeak out in pain as you try to lift your leg up to get up. You can feel your whole body so not a lot of damage. Probably just a broken leg and some cuts here and there. You look at (Y/F/N), she/he looks horrible. She/he has an arm blown off, blood everywhere, and she is unconscious on the floor. Just then FBI, Police, and Paramedics, come running in. They put (Y/F/N) on a gurney and a man thats tan, muscular, and sweet chocolate brown eyes comes over to you.

"I'm gonna help you up okay? It might hurt, just to prepare you" He says in his soft yet rough voice, and you nod. The man grabs the center of your back up and pull you up. You let a tiny squeal in pain out. "Its okay, were gonna take you in the ambulance right now, hand in there a couple more minutes" The man says and you nod. He holds one arm tightly around your waist and you put your arm on his shoulder. You both walk- well in your case you hop on one leg- and he brings you outside and into the ambulance. "I'll check on you in a little bit" The man says and you nod with a little smirk. The man slightly smiles and runs into the backyard with his gun pointed out, ready to fire. The paramedics clean all your wounds and put a cast on your right leg. You chose the color pink, since its your favorite color. They hand you a pair of crutches and take for of (Y/F/N). You crutch (idk bare with me) to your car and realize, you can't drive since you have a cast on that leg. You groan in frustration.

"You alright?" You hear the mans voice fro before, come from behind you. You turn around and sigh.

"Not really, I can't drive home" I say and he smirks.

"I can drive you if you'd like?" He asks and you smile.

"Sure, thanks" You say and he smiles. You both go into his cop car, and he drives.

"My address is-" You start to say and he interrupts.

"7 wool road" he says and you give him a confused face and he chuckled. "I had my co-worker find your files and we all know all about you, (Y/N)" The man says and you blush.

"Well, okay then" You say and you both laugh.

"My name is Derek" He says and you smile.

"Nice to meet you Derek, thank you for helping me earlier" You say and he pulls into your driveway.

"No problem, its all part of my job" he says and you smile.

"Bye Derek, thanks for the ride" You say and go into your house. For the rest of the day you both have each other on your minds.

You walk into your favorite coffee shop with a smile on your face. You get in line and order yourself a regular coffee with light sugar and cream. You get that and sit in the booth closest to you. You take a sip of your coffee and look around you observing your surroundings. The only thing that catches your eye is a slim man with brown hair that looks like he could be the smartest person in the world. You notice how cute he actually looks when he's drinking his coffee. While you were staring at him he caught a glimpse of you looking at him and you quickly look down blushing while you can hear him chuckle. Just then you look up and see him.

"Hi" He says and you blush.

"h-hi" you say nervously and he chuckles.

"I'm Spencer, you are?" He asks and you have whole random conversation about economics and coffee. But each time he said something, you fell harder in love with him.

hey guys, i decided not to do Rossi, cuz i dont feel like it, sorrz

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