It's been a while (Chapter 1)

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It had been eight years..eight years since you left the slums, the place where you were raised in, in order to conquer those dungeons and gain the power to protect the poor fated peoples. You knew being a fanalis isn't enough, and you had to also protect yourself. From those slave traders, and those megalomaniac.

However, there was no more use in those djinns. You just hoped that you have returned sooner, as soon as you got the first djinn, but no, you just have to be greedy and decided to conquer some more dungeons.

Now? It wasn't even necessary anymore.

All you can do was look at the awful scenery before your eyes, the burnt down place sending guilt into your spine. You weren't there to protect them. And you hated yourself for that.

Tears decorated your (s/c) skin as you hang your head low over your parent's grave. You're gonna kill it, whatever or whoever did this. You stood up and bid a goodbye to your parents, wiping the tears away. You were determined to find out who's the culprit.

You asked the remaining people of slums who make it out alive from the disaster about the details of the one who did this. All you could make out from the information given was a boy, around 16 or 17, long black braided (is it braided, I don't know) hair, and some clothes from the Disney movie Aladdi-- I mean, clothes that reveals his stomach, and a white scarf. One of the people claimed he saw that the boy were holding some kind of magic wand-? You weren't sure whether to trust that, but who are you to judge?

As you were about to go from the place, the wife of the man tapped your shoulder and gave you a supply of food. She smiled in a way that gave you the nostalgia feelings. "Be safe, (Y/N)." You nodded and smiled back, before continuing your journey.

You drew a picture to put all the information in place and you can't shook the feelings out of you that this person is familiar. Right when you think you remember, the piece of brain decided to fade away, leaving you forgetting what were you thinking. You shrugged it off and decided to go to your final destination.

The palace.

You're gonna ask the king about him. Surely, you could get some good information from him.

And of course, the guards won't let you through, seeing your horrible state, claiming that you're some crazy fan girl of him. In which you denied frustratedly. They keep giving you a sorry ass of an excuse that the king is 'busy'.

Heck, as you could remember from your past, the king were NEVER busy. He even held big festivals in like, what, once a week.

As if on cue, the king himself and another guy with gray hair besides him arrived at the scene and let you through. The king said you looked fascinating and determined. Yeah, right. You were pretty sure that's just his sweet talk, and he looked pretty gay.

Maybe for his advisor.

He seemed girly.

"Ja'far, lead her to the main room." The king's deep voice echoed through the hall and the said male bowed and said a low, "As you wish." He looked at you with somewhat intimidating face as he gestured for you to follow him, not saying any other words. Man, you already disliked this guy.

When you arrived at the said main room, the gray haired male give you a seat before retreating to check on the king. You were left alone for quite while before the two of the came back. You scoffed, 'Were they making out or what?'

After a while of formal talking, you finally get to the point, "The thing is, King Sinbad, I want to know if you know the culprit of the case that recently happened. To the slums." You said firmly, hoping to get good information from the king himself. The king looked at you with a narrowed eyes, then turned his head to face Ja'far, his so called advisor.

"His name is Judal. We don't know what is his intentions but we'll try to stop him." At the mention of the name, memories flooded back into your mind, the piece of brain suddenly coming back to you. Just as you were about to ask more, an ear piercing scream rang through the palace, shocking the three of you.

Not caring if you were impolite for not excusing yourself, you immediately run towards the scream to find out what the fuck happened. As soon as you were out of the palace, you felt a burning sensation on your skin.

The place is burning.

You suddenly went alarmed when you heard a laughter that sent chills down your spine. Just who in the world would laugh if they saw a burned place? Unless..

You ran through the fire and towards the laughter, coughing from the smoke. You couldn't see clearly, but you could make a silhouette of the person, he was floating. When the smoke went down, you saw part of his face and was shocked. Really shocked.

They were right.

It was Judal.

The boy looked at you and his grin became wider, if that's even possible. He laughed like a madman as you looked at him, horrified.


"'s really has been a while, hasn't it?" The said boy smirked.

I saw this chapter again when I was bored and I was like, fuck it. Let's do this. And this is what happened. I'm sorry for the edit being so late. I can't continue it anymore, but at least I get to edit it to make up to you guys. Oh and, 'princess' is your nickname so...

Just bear with it.

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