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In, Darui's early childhood his mother and father were in, Kumogakure hospital, Katrai (Darui's mother) was on her way giving birth to, Darui a few second after he was born some rouge ninjas heard that, Darui would be born today, they also heard that he was to be the strongest in, Kumogakure with the right training by the, Raikage of course. . . The third, Raikage heard that his sister, Katrai was murdered when she gave birth to, Darui. So that third, Raikage rushed into the hospital see her sister and bori their dead bodies on the ground, the rouge ninja were holding, Darui in their hands. The third, Railage spoke out. "Hey, you give my nephew back now!" The rouge ninjas replayed back. "No we heard that he's gonna, be stronger then you, he the one who's gonna save the us from you" Raikage answers back. "I won't let you." The third, Raikage said entering his, lightning chakra mode punching the two at the wall, Darui flew out of those hands as the third, Raikage would catch him into his arms. "Hmm, looks like I'm gonna have to take care of you. . . I'll make you, Darui. Cause you seem bored, and a little /dull/." Serval years past, Darui was now, nine years old and ready to train under the third, Raikage. Darui would wear some blue slacks with a black sleeveless shirt and a little black bracelet, this was giving to his mother by, his father when they became husband and wife. The third, Raikage would look at, Darui already feeling his chakra raising quickly as he got older. "Okay, Darui I'm gonna be your teacher. . . and I'm gonna teach you some jutsu!" Darui would yawned a little, trying to to fall asleep. "Uhh, huh. . . I wanna be as strong as you, lord Raikage when I'm older!" The third, Raikage patted, Darui's head softly. "Yes, I can't tell that your gonna be one strong ninja!" He said handing, Darui his first, kunai and headband. "Okay shall we begin?" This was a very head task for the third, Raikage even more so for, Darui. "Darui, come at me again!" Said getting into lightning chakra mode, Darui would vanish within an Instant the young boy swung at the, Raikage hard leaving his to glide into the ground leaving, him a few steps back. "Nice now use that jutsu I thought you!" Darui made serval hand signs creating one, shadow clone. "Here we go!" They both charged at the, Raikage with such speed and force it caught the, Raikage off guard and sent him flying back. "Ah, gotta catch my balance." It was no use the, Raikage would smack into the building hard being sent into, the future fourth, Raikage and Killer Bee's room. The third, Raikage looked at his two sons smiling a little. "Hello, boys what are you doing?" He asked. Killer bee replied bank. "🎶Hey, yo daddy oh cheek out my flow yo!🎶" Killer Bee, said in a rap. A his older brother also replied back as well. "Ahh, B... Never mind. Hello dad, were are just going over to gonna be fourth, Raikage." At this point, Darui was sitting down on the ground waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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