Moving Day

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This is my first book so dont judge!
"Just one more box!" my mom yelled for the millionth time. "There is more than 1 box left, you have been saying that for the last 10 boxes. Im tired!" I yelled back "Come on, she is telling the truth this time!" my overly perfect, perky older brother decided to comment "She better be" I mumbled ynder my breath. To my suprise there was a single box marked ~Alyssa left in the moving van "FINNALY!" I yelled in an exasperated tone. My brother, Alex chuckled beside me. "Im going upstairs to unpack!" I yelled to my mother who was probably in her favorate spot in the house, the kitchen. "O.K but be quick, I want you and your brother to go sight seeing tonight!" she yelled back. How am i suppost to completly renovate my room in a couple hours?! It usually takes me that long to unpack a bag after it has been sitting in my room for a month. Bringing up the last box I set it on my newer upgraded bedroom floor. The only good thing about moving is getting my own on suite and walk in closet with about 10 feet vy 15 feet of pure bedroom space. *sigh* times im happy to live in a 1st world country. Moving from Canada all the way to London is hoing to take some getting used to for sure. I swear our taxi driver couldnt even understand us... even though we both speek english. Well, time to start unpacking!

4 hours later I think I am done. I just put my last blush brush on my makeup stand and tossed on my last throw pellow. I think it looks pretty nice! When you walk in, on the wall infront of you is a window. Off to the left side are my closet abd bathroom and off to the right is my bed. In front of the window is a dresser and in the corner between the front wall abd left wall is my makup stand. There are pictures of the eiffel tower, the statue of liberty and the leaning tower of pisa. I have a thing for modern architecture but mostly paris things. I have 2 posters of eiffel towers, a paris throw pellow and a minni arc de triumph. On the wall behind my bed I have writen Paris, France in big letters and other places around the world around it. My walls are light blue with a light purple accent wall (the one behind my bed) overall I think it looks good! My brother agrees because he walked in and told me so. "So do you want to visit anywhere tonight?"he asked "how about mcdonalds and bigben?" I say "sounds good to me"he says in reply "grab your jacket"he yelled on the way out of my room "It may not be as cold as new brunswick, but its still cold!
While eating a oreo McFlurry and sitting on a park bench in front of big ben, my brother speeks up "I know this move has been hard on you, leaving your best friend and breaking up with your boyfriend but this is going to be good for us youll see. Just dont take it out on mom, its bot her fault that she was promoted all the way here." "I know but what was wrong with the way were living before?" I ask "nothing is wrong with it, but we could do better, live better. So thats what we did.But hey school starts next week so im sure by then youll meet at least some people! oh and speeking of wich mom is taking us school suply shopping tomorow! Be ready for an awsome day of shopping, because i know how much you love shopping!" "Hahaha you know i hate shopping but ill be ready nonetheless." I told him "Its called sarcasmn, srsly lyss i thaught you would know this by now" he told me with a playful shove " sarcasmn is the lowest form of wit " I state back. He never has a response to this, thats why i love saying it to him. Like I knew he would, he wuickly dropped the subject and stated that it was almost 9 and that we should be heading back home.
When we got home and I layed in bed all I could think of was how wierd life will be without Emma and Zach (bff and x-bf) but ill just have to make new friends because my mom hates me abd she desided to drag me off to this hellhole.


Hope this chapter wasnt too bad like I said, first story !!

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