friends (kinda) continued

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You were walking through the park, when you heard a familiar voice. It was the guy that helped you the other day! You had to thank him. You ran towards the voice. He wasn't at all what you had expected. An impossibly tall being stood in front of you, but he wasn't facing you. The group of children he was talking to, however, started asking if you were his friend. He looked at you and nodded. He leaned down to whisper to you.

"I trust that you got back home safely?" You nodded. He continued. "Well, I don't think you'll be seeing that guy around anymore." Getting the gist of what he meant, and not wanting to scar the small children, you nodded. You thanked him, and he asked you to help with the children. You gladly accepted, but regretted it when it was late and their parents called you two pedophiles.



You kept finding roses on your front step. You wanted to make sure it was the guy before you said anything, though. Sure enough, right as you had opened the door, he was standing there. Right there, in front of your door. He chuckled nervously.

"Good morning, my little rose..." You gave him a strange look.

"Sir, I don't know you." He took your hand, and kissed it.

"Then allow me to introduce myself. I am Offenderman. You can call me Smexy, if you'd like. Now, get ready for today." You gritted your teeth.

"I'm not going to do anything today, especially not with some guy I just met." He started to smirk.

"No? Actually, you're going to spend the whole day with me. If you don't get dressed, I will dress you myself, and it won't be pretty." That worried you a bit, especially with his name. What was with that? You ran up to your room, and changed into something casual. After running back down, he dragged out the door.

He took you several places, and showed you several things, so you couldn't really get mad. You got home at twelve. He kissed your hand once more, and bid you good night. Are you friends now?

Homicidal Liu

It was just another night of talking with Liu, when he jumped up without warning and closed the curtains. He grabbed your hand and ran out the door.

"What was that about?" He shrugged.

"I heard something like a ladder hitting the window. Now, let's be quiet and hide on a lower floor." You nodded, and stepped into the elevator. You ended up getting yelled at by several sleepy tenants, but you hid from Jeff, and managed to get out and have some fun. Not much though, considering it was three o'clock in the morning.


Bloody Painter

He usually came by your house; he always said that his house was too dirty. You didn't want to annoy him, so you never complained. Sometimes he'd just bring you various paintings, all absolutely beautiful, and still, the most beautiful shade of red you had ever seen. You really need to ask him what brand he uses...


The Puppeteer

Turns out that guy he was with was a puppet. Well then. Well, anyways, he was a pretty cool guy when he wasn't controlling your actions and judging you so hard that he had to hold your face. He never liked the light, so you often found his glowing eyes staring at you from a corner in the middle of the night, never failing to give you a heart attack.



It was four o'clock now. You heard a knock at the door.

"How the hell did you figure out where I live?"

"I have my sources. Now come on!" He pulled you back into the apartment, and started acting like he owned the place. He placed the dress in your hands, and shoved you into your room. He said something, but it was muffled by the door. You assumed he wanted you to put on the dress.


He clasped his hands together, as you stood in front of the velvet ropes. You were currently waiting for the usher to stop lecturing two guys about fashion. After they threw a small fit and walked behind the building, he turned to you. He looked you up and down, before nodding, and letting you through.

"Why did you come with me?" He grabbed my hand.

"It's one, crowded, and you didn't seem to be having the greatest time with people, two, I had to see that it looked right in this lighting, and three, you. In that dress? Someone, whether it be a jealous chick or a horny drunk, would want a piece of you." You nodded, and decided to go along with it. You were glad too. You ended up having a great time, even though it turned out that you went to the wrong club. Oops.

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