Tale of Maxwell and the Fused Shadow

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Before we start I have one thing to say: don't believe everything you read. You know those dusty old Mythology books you find in old librarys? Well those books contents are real. You may be one of us yourself but this dicovery comes with great danger. I know some of you nerds out there are probably saying " Oh thats scientificly impossible" well guess what science is out the window when it comes to the gods. You might be asking who I am right now well let me tell you...

I am Maxwell Jacob Rinehard and I am a child of Aretemis...

My life went to the Underworld when a 6000 ton boar charged me

"COME BACK HERE PIP SQUEAK!!!" said Jack Snyder  the neighborhood bully . I didn't dare look back. My chest was heaving trying to grasp any traces of air left in my body. My legs felt numb. I ran down an aley way. Big mistake. I slammed straight into a wall. Next thing I knew, both of Jack's cronies slam into both my arms rendering them pinned on the wall. Jack, running full speed, jammed his fist straight into my stomach. "When are you gonna learn kid?" Another blow to my stomach. "I'm the top dog aroung here." The third blow came flying straight into my palm. I bursted out of the master lock the two cronies were doing. A right cross came ause flying at me. I blocked it with my forearm. The look on his face was priceless. I did a one-two combo, spun around, and punched him in the jaw. He layed there knocked out on the cold pavement. Jack and his other "slave" stared  at me in shock. Crony #2 came at me. He thrust his fist. I doged and caught him in a headlock and punched him in the jaw twice. He went down like a sack of bricks.I saved the best for last. Jack came at me, fist was so clenched his knuckles were white. I caught his arm in mid-punch and flipped him over my shoulder. They were all out cold. I stared a my hands in fear of what they have caused.I ran from the scene. My grease black hair was drenched with water, falling from high head. 

Next thing I knew I was in math class, being lectured by the the dreaded Mrs.Naga. She had a small  nose, green eyes, with coffe brown skin. She always crocodile skin everything. Crocodile purse, croc jacket, croc clothes, croc pants. Like I said croc everything. But today she seemed espeically reptillian. "Hey" said a familiar voice

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