Colored Eyes

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Chapter 3

"You-You .... You ...."

He nods. "Yes, and there are others like us."

I stare into his eyes. His right eye is teal while his left is a light pink. I never knew there were more of us. I blink and brush my bangs behind my right ear.

I instinctively pull my blanket tighter around me. I realize how odd we must look. I picture what would happen if Mike woke up and came outside. He would yell sooo much before even knowing the situation. He'd yell at me and I'd probably be homeschooled for life after that.

I pay attention to the present.

"You're-You're eyes ...."

"Huh? What's wrong with them?"

"Th-They're ...."

I flash my hands up to my eyes. "Don't look at them!" I shout. My bangs luckily fall down and I have the blanket to help hide them, too. I try to run back inside but am somehow caught in my tracks. I look back and see a very confusing scene.

I see Ryan with an outstretched arm. The sun is shining behind him. He flashes me a brilliant smile. Be appears tan and even his hair and clothes seem to be brighter. His chocolate brown eyes have returned.

"Liz," he asks me, "Will you come with me to this place I know? I'll have you back before sunrise."

"O-Ok ... Just let me go change first." I begin walking back into the house.

"One more thing," he says. I turn around again. "Don't put in your contacts."

I quickly take a breath and run back inside. I rush into my bedroom and turn the light on. My face had felt hot and that was why I ran inside. Sure enough, my cheeks were a bright pink.

What was that out there?

I shake it off and go into my room to change. I pull on black cargo pants and a tank over my sleep clothes. I add on a black leather jacket as well. I lace on my tennis shoes and walk out of my room.

I am stopped, though. My reflection distracts me. I stare into my eyes. I haven't paid close attention to them in so long. I'm so used to making sure others don't see them that I've almost forgotten what they look like.

My right eye is a stunning purple while my left is a shiny topaz.

I leave my room wondering how much I should trust this Ryan. I figure things can't possibly get worse and turn out my bedroom light.

I walk out the front door and lock it. My key hangs from the lanyard around my neck. I look up into the sky. Huh. That's strange. The sky was bright when I had gone inside the house. And now it was dark again. How did that happen? I shrug it off. "Ready?" I ask. Ryan nods and gestures to the convertible behind him. I failed to notice it earlier. I raise an eyebrow, one of my few talents. "You can drive?"

"Well ..."

"Aw well, let's just get in."

He seems surprised but continues on. We leave my house and I try not to think of the possible risk I'm taking. As we drive he passes a stop sign.

"Hey, there was a stop sign back there," I tell him.

He looks back. "There was?"

"Keep your eyes on the road!!" My arms stretch out in front of me and grab the dash. Ryan swerves since he was in the left lane. I look across to him. "Is this your first time to drive?"


"When was your first?"

"When I drove to your house."

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