2. Mark : Take Care

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You walked alone to the school. You are a quiet girl so you don't have any friend. But you have someone you crush on. His name is Tuan Mark. You know, he is popular among girls at school. But who are you at school? Just a quiet girl. People don't know you even your classmate don't know you are exist. That's what you always think. He also already have girlfriend, (Y/F/N).


"Today I want to give you guys a project. Each team must have two people. You guys can do it at your home or school" Said Ms. Lee.

"Teacher, can I do it alone?" You raised your hand and asked her. As always, you wanna do it alone.

"No. If you do it alone, no marks for you. Ok class I'm the one who decide your partner" She said, smiling evilly. All students shocked.

"First team...(Y/N) with Tuan Mark" She said. You shocked. All students shocked. You feels like today is your bad day ever. With..Tuan Mark? Hell no!

"Teacher, can I change my partner?" You asked her politely. You keep wishing that you can change partner.

"I'm sorry but you can't" She said. You are totally suprised. You just frozed there. You thought, it is ok if it is Mark but he is Tuan Mark, the famous boy in school plus you are crushing on him.

"Don't worry teacher, we will do our best and I will take care of her" Mark said and glaced at you. He gave a smile but you quickly looked away.

"So guys, do your best. Good luck" She walked out from class.

You stood up and walked to the canteen. As usual, you always eat alone. When you walking, you can hear girls whispering and looking at you.

"What a lucky girl, do project with Tuan Mark?" A girl sounded you. You just walked, ignoring that.

At canteen, you hold a tray of your foods. Suddenly...


You fell down. No you fell because someone made you fell. All of your foods on the ground and your clothes...dirty. Everyone there laughed at you. You turned your head back to look who made you fell. It's (Y/F/N), Mark's girlfriend.

"Opps! Not me" She laughed then high five with her friends. You stood up and ran to restroom quickly.

You walked faster and cried Suddenly you bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry" You apologized and walked away. You don't know who was you say sorry. That person chased you and stoped you. You turned to face him. It's Mark. He looked shocked after scanning you head to toe.

"What happen to you?" You turned your head, hiding your tears. He put his hand on your shoulder.

"Who do this?" He asked you. You just silent. You pushed his hand and about to leave. But he grapped your wrist, pulling you to face him.

"Who do this to you?" He asked again.

"(Y/F/N)" You answered whispering.

"Really?" He asked again. You nodded. He let go of your hand and ran away.


Mark walked toward (Y/F/N) angryly. He stood next to the table that (Y/F/N) and her friends sat.

"Oh jagi. Have you eaten?" (Y/F/N) askex Mark, showing off how sweet she and Mark. But Mark have no time to play. He not even like this jerk girl. He just acted to like this girl.

"What you did to my partner?" He asked with mad.

"What's wrong? Who's your partner?" She asked back. She knew the answer but she still asked.

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