The Shadow

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*the picture above is Riley

I stand face-to-face with what is known as the shadow. I look down deep down into its glowing eyes; it stares back down at me. I tremble with fear and I start to regret the idea of leaving my brothers. Maybe this isn't such a good idea...... I thought as the shadow started reaching out for me and Riley. I bolted away from the shadow. The shadow raced after me, letting go of Riley. My veins rushed with adrenaline and my heart races. I don't know exactly why I couldn't go with shadow. Maybe it's the fact hat I would have to leave my brothers behind, or that I would travel to an unfamiliar place without even knowing if I would live in the end. I look back behind myself to see the shadow not far behind. I pick up he pace.

Suddenly, I trip over an unnoticed rock that had been lying out in the open. I could feel my skin tear open with maroon blood oozing out. I look up at the shadow with Riley right behind it. "Melody, what are you doing? Don't you remember our plan?" Even though Riley didn't show it, I could sense a small fear in her. " I'm sorry. I-I..." I stutter but Riley cut me off before I could find the words. "I thought we were in this together; I thought we were a team." She said. The word team pounded through my head. I always hated letting down Riley, but I couldn't help it, I was scared.

The shadow suddenly swoops down and picks up me and Riley. I wrestled with it, trying to escape from its strong grip. I look over at Riley to see her not fighting the demon that carried us away. Instead of looking all panicked and scared, she had looked relaxed and like she was excited to leave with the unfamiliar figure to some unknown dimension. What is up with Riley, this wasn't like her? I looked down at the ground flying away from my feet. Think Melody, think! I thought to myself. What would my brothers do? At that moment, I realized that I had a match in my pocket. I found it on the street when I had attempted running away from the orphanage the first time. I always wanted to save it for an emergency, and with this being the case I took it out and lit it on the bottom of my shoe and held it up to the shadow ready to burn it. It immediately looked at the fire that was coming from my match, it had looked as if it was frightened at the small innocent flame. It quickly dropped me and I fell. Lucky, we weren't to far off the ground.

I looked around in hopes it had dropped Riley too. I soon realized that she wasn't with me, and I looked up to see the shadow carrying her away up into the clouds. "RILEY!!!!" I shouted. She looked down at me, "MELODY!!!!" She hollered back. Boiling tears threatened to race down my face. "I WILL FIND YOU RILEY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping she had heard me, before she had disappeared behind the clouds. Tears started to find their way down my cheeks and I fell to my knees knowing that there wasn't anyway the shadow would take me again. I cried knowing that I might never see my best friend, the one who has ever understood me, ever again. I boosted myself up off the ground and headed into the orphanage.

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now