Just Add Water

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"Do you wanna know how I got these scars? My owner was a dumbass."

- pickled.uniqkorn aka my phone.

My phone was overheating so I decided to be an idiot and rinse my phone to cool it down instead of being a normal person and just switching it off or whatever.

Then, while reading Wattpad, my phone went all negative on me and I freaked the fuck out.

I panicked and tried turning it on and off again like some kind of basic bitch.

Then when that shit failed I called in the experts.


Some said to use rice, some said to use a blow dryer to heat up my phone, some said to use a vacuum to suck out the water.

My mom called me an idiot and said I should just take out the things in my phone and blow dry it.

I told her my phone could not be disassembled without breaking it so she told me to just blow dry it.

Okay, I thought to myself, I'll blow dry it.

My Kuya came out of the room and said that was the worst thing I could have done because hot electrical shit leads to bigger shit.

He said, "Just put it in rice."

So I did.

When my mom came home she told me to re blow dry my phone and I couldn't argue with an annoyed filipina mom so I blow dried my phone again.

Two days later, aka today, my phone is functioning.

It has some negative screen residue, but that's okay.

It's a battle scar.

My phone won.

Water lost this round.


Moral of the story
To fix a broken phone, you need rice and a little blowing.
✔ Emphasis on blowing the wet thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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