World against~~

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Ruka-chan signing in.......

to this crappy book of the things u might ask urself! *This is my POV so if ur against it I really don't care just don't comment Plz...


Why and how could the whole world be against you!!??

ok first with the "Why

why is the world against you.. well put the points together you haven't done anything wrong... u have been a good person....well most of the time cause lets be realistic there is no person in this world that is perfect expect God for those who believe *like me* and those who don't I respect that cause you are free to believe whatever u like... so back to the "Why?" so u kep puting points together and still haven't got the answer......

It's ok don't worry... Life is not easy believe me in that but you have to stay strong in the hardest of time.

Now to the "How?"

Ok the world could be against you in many....many...MANY ways so Im just gonna mention a few.. the first one is your "Luck" sometimes you have the badest of luck and who's fault is that... well you blame the whole world for that well No is not the world that is briging u bad luck is just that the world is coming against u in a rebelion for your actions so in the case you just have to become a total different person than who you are now...... I'm JK don't do that!! ok but serious now one of the the ways "How" the world could be against you are "relationships" cause in every relationship existent there problems but you gotta know when the problems can be solved or not if the can't then that is another story I'm gonna tell another time so noooowwww......

~Ruka-chan signing out~

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