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   So in this book describes Derpy in MLP FIM. We fans love MLP FIM no matter what boys say that it's gay.Well lets get to the point.MLP FIM and Bronies are not gay as hell, you guys just won't accept what we like and adore in our lives.We are just normal guys that like these kind of cartoons because we like to be happy,satisfied,excited,and most of all,to let somebody understand that we are not gay.So for those Bronies who are being teased at Facebook or any social networking sites.Please agree to this, for this is what my fellow Bronies told me.I was once a hater on MLP FIM.I hated these kind of things in my whole life and now look at me I'm really liking this kind of stuff now.Everybody can change, no matter how hard they can be convinced, they change themselves.So for the Bronies that exist in this happy world, keep up and stay cool.

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